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Yasiel Puig Hits 5 Home Runs in 2 Games

Yasiel Puig Blasts 5th Home Run in 2 Games vs. Cardinals

Puig completed the feat of hitting five home runs on a date with standard numerology of 42(9) + (15) + (18) = 42

"Five" = 42 (English Ordinal)

The 42nd Prime number is 181, matching the name of the team he plays for, the Los Angeles Dodgers, who are managed by David Ray Roberts

"Los Angeles Dodgers" = 181 (English Ordinal)

"David Ray Roberts" = 181 (English Ordinal)

Puig’s full name is Yasiel Puig Valdés, which sums to 65, just like five home runs

"Yasiel Puig Valdés" = 65 (Full Reduction)

"Five home runs" = 65 (Full Reduction)

The 65th Prime number is 313

"Five home runs in two games" = 313 (Reverse Ordinal)

On the date he completed the feat, he was a span of 2 months, 23 days before his next birthday:2 Months, 23 Days

"Yasiel Puig Valdés" = 223 (Reverse Ordinal)

"Five home runs" = 1223 (Jewish)

This is also a span of 83 days"Yasiel Puig Valdés" = 83 (Single Reduction)

The name Puig sums to 26 and 53, matching today’s date numerology:9 + 1+5 + 2+0+1+8 = 269 + 1+5 + (20) + (18) = 53

"Puig" = 26 (Full Reduction)

"Puig" = 53 (English Ordinal)

Intriguingly, home runs sums to 503 in Jewish gematria and 107 in Ordinal:"Home runs" = 503 (Jewish)

"Home runs" = 107 (Jewish Ordinal)

Today leaves 107 days in the year:

Today also has numerology of 47(9) + (20) + (18) = 47

"Forty-seven" = 1616 (English Extended)

"Yasiel Puig Valdés" = 1616 (Jewish)

Puig’s 5th and final home run in the two games made the score 13-4

Puig's third home run of the game was also a three-run tater, which put the contest even further out of reach at 13-4.

"Hit five home runs" = 1340 (Jewish)

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