Brooks Koepka Wins 2018 U.S. Open Again
The 68th prime number is 337. Earlier this month, Brooks Koepka turned 337 months old:
Koepka was born on a date with a life lesson number of 27
Today, the date of his second straight US Open win, has a life lesson number of 34
The 34th prime number is 139
So why did my dumb ass predict Jason Dufner of all guys? The same guy who was known for THIS pose?!

The 118th prime is 647
“One hundred eighteenth US Open – Shinnecock Hills” = 647 (RO)
It’s the year ’18, is the 118th US Open, and both of these phrases have gematria of 118. The final day of the tournament fell on a date with 61 numerology, and 61 is the 18th prime number:
With all these 18 connections, the first thing that came to mind was 6+6+6
So when I saw that Jason Dufner would be exactly 15060 days old on the final day of the tournament, I jumped at it.
This stuck out for another reason – back in 2011, Shane McMahon randomly showed up and shook Rory McIlroy’s hand after he blew it in the final day of the Masters. It was an awkward moment. Even Deadspin literally said this made no sense.
On that day, Shane McMahon was also 15060 days old:
This doesn’t even really make sense. Just remember – all predictions wrong or your money back. There’s always a riddle, you just have to somehow find the right one.