Kathy Griffin Cusses Out Melania Trump
The 148th prime number is 857, matching Griffin’s full name’s Jewish gematria:
See why 857 is a significant number in this study.
113 is the mainstream media’s favorite number of deception
There are 113 months between the birthdays of Trump and Griffin:
The 113th prime number is 617
Today’s date, June 17th, is written here as 6/17
1:13 on a clock is 73 minutes. Measuring from Melania’s last birthday on April 26th gives us 7 months, 3 days:
I find it interesting how this number appears in Kathy Griffin’s hometown:
Griffin has the 13 ritual code in her Reduction gematria to boot:
Flip the individual letters of the word LIE upside-down and you get the digits 713. Griffin is currently 7 months, 13 days after her birthday.
She’s also 140 days before her next birthday
Melania is 313 days before her next birthday in 2019. 313 is the 65th prime number.
Griffin‘s birthday is 6 months, 9 days after Melania’s:
If you measure the exact number of days between their birthdays, you find it’s 3460 days:
Is this a coincidence? Nah…check out how Griffin is addressed in the opening line:
Check out the gematria of the Tweet:
Remember last week, when Robert De Niro cussed out Trump on stage at the Tonys? He was 3903 weeks old. Hilarious…
Griffin was born on November 4th, written 11/4
So really, this is all about Donald Trump
This mayhem is unfolding a span of 88 days after Kathy Griffin posted a photo with a severed Trump head, an action she later apologized for. However, that apology was later rescinded.