Will Power Wins the 2018 Indy 500
The Sun and Moon sync up every 19 years / 235 synodic months, in what is known as the Metonic cycle. In Greek, this is known as Enneadecaeteris
This year is 2018. In numerology, this represents 218
Today is the date that leaves 218 days in the year:
The 218th prime number is 1361. The winner of this year’s Indianapolis 500 is Will Power, who is 13,601 days old
This means he’s 88 days after his last birthday:
88 represents the infinite loop of time
The Sun is 108× the width of the Earth, and is 108× its own diameter away from the sun. The Moon is also 108× its width away from the Earth.
Will Power is from Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia