“Mini-Me” Actor Verne Troyer Dead @ Age 49
Verne Troyer has died on April 21st, the second anniversary of the death of Prince. At only 2’8″, he was one of the shortest men in the world.
He was most famous for playing the character “Mini-Me” in the Austin Powers series, fitting for the date on which he died:

The 36th triangular number is 666. Any word or phrase with a Sumerian value of 666 also sums to 111 in Ordinal. Troyer died on the 111th day of the year:
666 is revealed as the number of the Beast in Revelation, the 66th book of the Bible“Troyer” = 606 (Sumerian)
Verne was 49 when he died
6+6+6 = 18. It was 10 months, 10 days after the 18th anniversary of Mini-Me’s debut in The Spy Who Shagged Me
In numerology, 1010 reflects the number 11
Verne Troyer was born on the date written 1/1
11×11 = 121 | “Revelation” = 121 (O)
“Troyer” = 311 (Satanic) | “The Beast” = 311 (Jewish)
311 is the 64th prime number
187 is the homicide code, but also an important biblical number, as there are 187 chapters in the Torah. When Troyer died, he was exactly 18007 days old:
The creator of Austin Powers is Mike Myers. The birthdays of Mike Myers and Verne Troyer leads to this fascinating alignment on the calendar. This is the gematric equivalent to the “planets aligning” in astrology.
Verne Troyer’s birthday is New Year’s Day. Measuring from the date he died, which was the Twenty-first of April, to his next birthday:
Meanwhile, Mike Myers was a total of 20056 days old:
256 is the only number whose sum of divisors is 511
Troyer was 5 months, 11 days after his birthday when he made his debut in the Austin Powers series:
Notice the film’s release date of 6/11/99
Troyer died 4 weeks, 6 days before Mike Myers’ birthday:
2:18 on a clock is 138 minutes
Recall how Southwest Flight 1380 had an engine explosion four days before Troyer died. That happened the same day Barbara Bush died:
“George H.W. Bush” = 138 (O)
“Twenty-first of April” = 1380 (Reverse Sumerian)
“Michael John Myers” = 1380 (Trigonal)
Troyer had some significant life events happen by the numbers as well. In 2004, he married Genevieve Gallen for one day before filing for an annulment.
The 19th prime number is 67
“Genevieve Gallen” = 870 (Sumerian) | 1560 (Reverse)
“Six six six” = 87 (RO) | 156 (O)
This event may have been a blatant foreshadowing of his death by the numbers.
Troyer was 7 weeks, 3 days after his birthday for the marriage:
Measuring from the date of their marriage to the date of Troyer’s death:
14 years, 2 months is also exactly 170 months:
Interestingly, the date of this marriage was 2/22
“Eclipse” = 222 (EE)
That date was also exactly 13 years, 180 days before the Great American eclipse of 2017. The number of the Beast is revealed in Revelation 13:18
13 years, 180 days equates to 704 weeks and a day.
“Genevieve Gallen” = 223 (ALW)
In June of 2008, a sex tape was leaked of Troyer and his girlfriend, Ranae Shrider:“Verne Troyer” = 66 (R)
This leak fell exactly 9 years, 301 days before he died:
This also equates to a span of 9 years, 9 months, 4 weeks:
Other notes…the sex tape leak was occurred when Troyer was 2060 weeks old | “Sacrifice” = 206 (Jewish)
He was also exactly 14420 days old, similar to the 142 from just above.