James Comey Publishing Anti-Trump Book
Why are Comey and Trump headlining the news today? Likely has something to do with the fact that it’s the 103rd day of the year, 3 months, 30 days after Comey’s birthday and 303 days after Trump’s.

Comey is very connected to Trump through the numbers:
“Mathematics” = 185 (Reverse Ordinal)
“Secret society” = 185 (Reverse Ordinal)
Comey doesn’t really look any younger than Trump, but their birthdays are separated by exactly 14 years, 6 months:
Trump’s birthday is June 14th, written 14/6 in most parts of the world.
When converted to just months:
Comey’s full name is 17 letters, 4 words.
“James Comey Jr.” = 47 (Full Reduction)
“D.C.” = 47 (Reverse Ordinal)
47 is the ultimate government number
The media certainly loves its 119 / 911 coding:
“James Brien Comey Jr.” = 77 (Full Reduction)
“In ‘A Higher Loyalty,’ Comey says Trump is ‘unethical, and untethered to truth.’ Here are the other lines ranked from least to most problematic for the President” = 617 (Full Reduction)
617 is the 113th prime number.
This headline also sums to 1480 (Jewish Ordinal)