Andrew Martin (Test) – 33 Overload
It’s not very common to have two middle names. To have three is almost never seen.
137 is the 33rd prime number.
All three of Andrew Martin’s middle names sum to 33:
He was born on 17-Mar-1975:
In Whitby:
Which is in Ontario:
Which is in Canada….which begins with the 3rd letter and has 3 A’s (I did my best).
He died on 13-Mar-2009 at age 33. His death was blamed on an oxycodone overdose.
3 to the 3rd power is 27
Martin died on the date written 3/13
He would have only been 33 for four more days.

Test died 7 months, 13 days after the last total eclipse.
His name has some good masonry numbers too:
“Andrew James Robert Patrick Martin” = 344 (English Ordinal)
“Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry” = 344 (Reverse Full Reduction EP)
The 344th prime is 2311
“Andrew Martin” = 59 (Full Reduction)
“Freemasonry” = 59 (Reverse Full Reduction)
“The Synagogue of Satan” = 1201 (Jewish)
“Andrew Martin” = 140 (English Ordinal)
“Circle” = 140 (English Extended)