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Kentucky School Shooting – Jesuit Order Tribute

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1 killed in KY high school shooting, governor says

Why is the GOVERNOR the source of information?! Remember how 777 is a stamp of masonic activity. Governor Matt Bevin took office on December 8th, 2015.777 days ago

"Order out of chaos" = 777 (Jewish)

The highest degree of masonry is the 33rd. The 33rd prime number is 137."Matt Bevin" = 33 (Jewish Reduced)"Matt Bevin" = 137 (Reverse Ordinal)

1 killed, 7 taken to hospitals after Kentucky high school shooting

The shooting, which occurred at Marshall County High School, is a tribute to the Jesuit Order.

Jesuit = 84 OrdinalThe Jesuit Order = 84 Reverse ReductionMarshall = 84 Ordinal

UPDATE: The shooter’s and victim’s names have now been released"Gabe Parker" = 84 (English Ordinal)

Victims:Preston Ryan Cope = 78 Full ReductionPreston Ryan Cope = 201 Reverse

Jesuit = 78 ReverseThe Jesuit Order = 78 Single ReductionThe Jesuit Order = 201 Reverse

Ignatius of Loyola = 201 Ordinal
Jesuit Order primary founder

Even his Jewish gematria syncs up:Preston Ryan Cope = 191 JewishSociety of Jesus = 191 Ordinal

Combining the two victims’ names matches the name of the shooter:

"Bailey Nicole Holt & Preston Ryan Cope" = 1806 (Jewish)Gabe Parker = 186 Reverse

186 is a significant number, too. The 186th prime number is 1109.

“Parker” = 33 (Full Reduction)
“Gabe” = 93 (Reverse Ordinal)
“Parker” = 93 (Reverse Ordinal)
“Propaganda” = 93 (English Ordinal)

The Jesuit Order’s motto is “For the Greater Glory of God” = 351 (Reverse Ordinal)  |  Measuring to the governor’s next birthday:351 days

The Society of Jesus was founded on September 27, the 270th day of the year.
“For the Greater Glory of God” = 270 (English Ordinal)"Marshall County High School" = 270 (Jewish Ordinal)

The gematria of the headline gives it away:
“1 killed in KY high school shooting, governor says” = 2727 (Jewish)

The Jesuit Order turned 477 this past September.
“1 killed in KY high school shooting, governor says” = 477 (Jewish Ordinal)

“Society of Jesus” = 191 (English Ordinal)
“1 killed in KY high school shooting, governor says” = 1901 (Satanic)

“1 killed in KY high school shooting, governor says” = 501 (English Ordinal)This was at Marshall County High School.Marshall = 51 Reverse ReductionGovernor Matt Bevin just turned 51 two weeks ago.GovMattBevin = 51

Federal = 51 OrdinalConspiracy = 51 ReducedToday is 1/23."Conspiracy" = 123 (English Ordinal)

Marshall County = Society of Jesus in Reduction

Marshall County High School is in Benton, Kentucky.Benton, Kentucky = Jesuit Order in Reduction

Today marks 119 days since the Jesuit Order’s birthday:119 days"Marshall County High School" = 119 (Reverse Full Reduction)

Notice how that headline says 1 killed, 7 hurt. 119 days is also 17 weeks.Exactly 17 weeks17 is heavily-coded into death and sacrifice. See slide. Today has 17 numerology.1 + 2+3 + 2+0+1+8 = 17Shooting = 107 OrdinalMarshall County = 170 Jewish Ordinal

The governor’s Tweet sums to the 170th prime number.1013 Jewish Reduced

113 is the number of deception.Gabe Parker = 1130 Squares

Today has more perfect numbers for a false flag shooting:(1) + (23) + 1+8 = 33False flag = 33 Reduction

1 + 2+3 + (20) + (18) = 44Shooting = 44 Reduced

“Marshall County High School” = 115 (Full Reduction)
“Society of Jesus” = 115 (Reverse Single Reduction EP)
The school is 115 miles northwest of Nashville.

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