Employee Reports Customer to Police for Weapon Purchase
This is fake news, but it’s another inch of the Totalitarian Tiptoe.
We’re getting to a point where we will start getting news stories about the prevention of crimes, and how people need to be pro-actively arrested. There will still be shooting events to keep people scared, but I think the frequency will dip as this becomes a reality. This will condition people to support more “thought crime” legislature.
13 is one of two primary hoax codes along with 33. The man who was arrested is named:
The 13th prime number is 41
“Reynolds” = 1039 (English Extended)
“Gun control” = 139 (English Ordinal)
And his initials sum to 13 / 31 “M.R.” = 130 (English Extended)
13 × 13 = 169 | They’re saying he went to:
137 is the 33rd prime number. In the Kabbalah, his initials sum to 33:
457 is the 88th prime number. The other purpose of this story is advertisement for:
Maximilien has the word lie in it. Not to mention the two M’s – turn them sideways, and you get a 33.
“Maximilien Reynolds” = 2722 (Reverse Extended)
722 / 227 are connected to the circle, which is the mark of the Beast
They’re saying he’s 19 years old
Walmart is 55 years old.
“Maximilien” = 333 (Primes)
The factors of 33 are 3 × 11
“Walmart employee turns in man charged with possessing weapons cache” = 311 (Reverse Full Reduction)
The inverse of 311 is 113, the mainstream’s number of deception
“Walmart employee turns in man charged with possessing weapons cache” = 227 (Chaldean)
Notice the 5:08 update time: