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Google Doodle – Octavia E. Butler

Octavia E. Butler was born on today’s date, June 22nd, 1947, and died on February 24th, 2006. Today would have been her 71st birthday.

"Octavia" = 71 (English Ordinal)

In the Reverse order, Octavia sums to 118

"Octavia" = 118 (Reverse Ordinal)

Death = 118 Jewish Homicide = 118 Jewish

She died exactly 118 days before her birthday:118 Days

Her date of death is written 2/24 here in the United States, where she was from."Octavia E. Butler" = 224 (Reverse Ordinal)

In the standard order, her name sums to 154, which is a number associated with ritual sacrifice"Octavia E. Butler" = 154 (English Ordinal)

Ritual sacrifice = 154

"Octavia Estelle Butler" = 73 (Chaldean)"Octavia Estelle Butler" = 730 (Primes)

"Sacrifice" = 73 (English Ordinal) "Ritual sacrifice" = 73 (Full Reduction)

"Octavia Estelle Butler" = 927 (Satanic)"Sacrifice" = 927 (Squares)

She was born on June 22nd, the date written 6/22"Sacrifice" = 226 (English Extended)"Crucifixion of Jesus" = 226 (English Ordinal)

She died on the 55th day of the year:

"Octavia E. Butler" = 55 (Single Reduction)Sacrifice = 55 (Single Reduction)

The 55th prime number is 257"Blood sacrifice" = 257 (Reverse Ordinal)"Writer Octavia Estelle Butler" = 2570 (English Extended)

"Total solar eclipse" = 257 (Reverse Ordinal)As I have been exposing all year on this blog, sacrifices are quite often in alignment with at least one total eclipse. This comes from the Bible, where Jesus was crucified under a solar eclipse.

"Octavia Estelle Butler" = 74 (Full Reduction)

The 74th prime number is 373. She died a span of 373 days before the next total lunar eclipse on 3/3 of 2007.

"Eclipse" = 33 (Full Reduction)

33 daysButler does appear to be an eclipse sacrifice. She also died 33 days before the total solar eclipse of 2006

Looking back at the number 74…the Jewish gematria of Total solar eclipse is 704, which reflects 74 in numerology."Total solar eclipse" = 704 (Jewish)

In the same cipher, the name Butler sums to the inverse, 407"Butler" = 407 (Jewish)

704 MonthsOn the date she died, she had turned 704 months old just two days prior:

Notice she was even born in the year ’47Total Eclipse = 47 Reduction

In Hebrew, the phrase for total eclipse sums to 227, matching her full name’s Ordinal gematria in English:"ליקוי מלא (Total eclipse)" = 227 (Hebrew Gematria)

"Octavia Estelle Butler" = 227 (English Ordinal)

In our language, total solar eclipse sums to 202, matching her common name’s Reverse gematria:Total solar eclipse = 202

"Octavia Butler" = 202 (Reverse Ordinal)

"Ritual human sacrifice" = 202 (Jewish Ordinal)


“Writer Octavia Estelle Butler” = 314 (Jewish Ordinal)Eclipse = 314 Satanic

“Writer Octavia Estelle Butler” = 1920 (Sumerian)Eclipse = 192 Jewish

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