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CNN Has a Pi-gasm

Toddler shreds over $1,000 his parents saved to pay a debt

This is one of my favorite stories in a while. I’m going to decode it in only the four base ciphers.

This fake news article on a date with 33 numerology is about a toddler from Holladay, Utah.

(10) + (5) + (18) = 33

"Toddler" = 33 (Full Reduction)

"Holladay" = 33 (Full Reduction)

However, the city is intentionally mis-spelled as Halladay (there is no city named Halladay in America)

"Halladay, UT" = 33 (Full Reduction)

"Circles" = 33 (Full Reduction)

This story is nothing but a tribute to the Circle

"Holladay, Utah" = 47 (Full Reduction)

The Freemasonic compass is set to 47 degrees. "The Circle" = 47 in Reduction. 47 is the 15th prime number. The 15th letter is O, a circle. "Fifteenth" = 150

Including 1000 as a full number, this headline sums to 1500 using the standard alphabetic order:

"Toddler shreds over $1,000 his parents saved to pay a debt" = 1500 (English Ordinal)

"Halladay, UT" = 105 (English Ordinal)

Today is October 5th, the date written 10/5

This story is about the Belnap family from Utah

Belnap & Circle both = 50 & 112, Utah = 50

Ben and Jackee Belnap of Halladay had been saving money to pay back Ben's parents for University of Utah football season tickets. They had the $1,060 ready in an envelope but were left searching the home when it disappeared over the weekend.


"Ben & Jackee Belnap" = 106 (English Ordinal)

The mathematics of the circle are solved with Pi, which is the 16th letter of the Greek alphabet. The word Pi begins with the 16th letter of the English alphabet, and sums to 16 in Reduction:

"Pi" = 16 (Full Reduction)

"Three fourteen" = 160 (English Ordinal)"The Circle" = 160 (Reverse Ordinal)

One thousand sixty dollars has Ordinal gematria matching the first three digits of Pi

"One thousand sixty dollars" = 314 (English Ordinal)

Ben and Jackee Belnap of Halladay had been saving money to pay back Ben's parents for University of Utah football season tickets. They had the $1,060 ready in an envelope but were left searching the home when it disappeared over the weekend.

The University of Utah‘s mascot is the Utes, which has matching gematria with Pi

Utah Utes = Utes = Pi in 2 of 4 base ciphers

So who was responsible?

Who would shred money? The couple suspects their curious toddler, Leo, was copying what he saw his mom do.

It was Leo who put the money through the Shredder? Is anyone else picking up on a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles theme here?

"Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" = 150 (Reverse Full Reduction)

The name Leo, which ends with a Circle, has the same gematria.

"Leo" = 32 (English Ordinal)

"Circle" = 32 (Full Reduction)

So his full name is Leo Belnap

"Leo Belnap" = 161 (Reverse Ordinal)

Toddler shreds over $1,000

"One thousand" = 161 (Reverse Ordinal)

"Three fourteen" = 191 (Reverse Ordinal)

CNN gave us a 45-second video for this story:Toddler shreds more than $1,000 in cash 00:45

Shredder = 45 in both Reduction methods

Both shredder and shred have Ordinal gematria of 81

"Shredder" = 81 (English Ordinal)"Shred" = 81 (Reverse Ordinal)

"I called the guy the next morning and he said, 'Oh, we might be able to help you here,' and I was shocked," Ben said. "He said, 'Bag it up in little Ziploc bags, mail it to D.C., and in one to two years, you'll get your money back.'"

Use Ziploc bags to mail $1,060?

Ziploc = 81 in Ordinal & Reverse

"One thousand and sixty" = 81 (Full Reduction)

Ziploc bags also has matching gematria with Pi and The Circle

Ziploc bags = The Circle = Pi in most base ciphers

They’ll be sending the Ziploc Bags to the US Department of Treasury Mutilated Currency Division, as described by CNN.

There's good news for the family, though. They can submit the money to the US Department of Treasury Mutilated Currency Division for exchange.

"US Department of Treasury Mutilated Currency Division" = 617 (English Ordinal)

617 is the 113th Prime number

113 is the mainstream’s favorite number of deception. This article was written by Amanda Jackson

by Amanda Jackson, CNN

…With help from Chenelle Terry

"Amanda Jackson & Chenelle Terry" = 113 (Single Reduction)
I almost made it


The couple’s name sums to the first three digits of Pi in Extended:

"Ben and Jackee Belnap" = 314 (English Extended)

The shredded money was for University of Utah tickets

"University of Utah" = 1998 (Jewish)

1998 is 666 + 666 + 666

"Mathematics of the circle" = 666 (Jewish)

In the King James (Masonic) Bible, this number is written out as Six hundred threescore and six

"Six hundred threescore and six" = 1610 (Jewish)

The mystery of more than $1,000 that disappeared from a Utah family was solved when they discovered the money in pieces in the home's shredder, and found the culprit was their 2-year-old son

"Two-year-old" = 1610 (Jewish)

The two-year-old shred Ben & Jackee‘s money…

"Shred" = 187 (Jewish)"Ben & Jackee" = 187 (Reverse Ordinal)

Again in regards to Leo using a shredder…the first Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles came out exactly 1488 weeks ago1488 Weeks, 0 Days

"Fourteen eighty-eight" = 227 (English Ordinal)

360 degrees in a circle

"Three hundred sixty" = 227 (English Ordinal)

22 – 7 = 15 = O
22 ÷ 7 = 3.14

"Twenty-two divided by seven" = 314 (English Ordinal)

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