Mick Jagger’s Health Forces Rolling Stones to Postpone Tour
This story is, more or less, a mock sacrifice ritual. Today has 73 and 46 numerology:
The word sacrifice sums to 73 and 46
Although this is in the headlines today, the article was published yesterday, March 30th, the date written 3/30. This is ideal for a story about rockstar Michael Jagger having to postpone his concert tour on an order from his doctor
The song Moves Like Jagger came out 330 days after Jagger’s birthday. The singer was Adam Levine, who was 3 months, 3 days into his 33rd year since birth:
The word thirty-three sums to 895, just like ritual human sacrifice
It was Judas who betrayed Jesus, leading to his crucifixion at age 33 under a solar eclipse
This article, published on 3/30, fell a span of 3 months, 3 days before the next total solar eclipse
In Jewish gematria, solar eclipse sums to 433
433 is the 84th Prime number
Today is a span of exactly 84 weeks after the most recent total solar eclipse:
Jagger is 248 days (or a span of 8 months, 6 days) after his birthday:
Headline Gematria
197 is the 45th Prime number
The article was published on a date with a Life Lesson number of 45
Tweet Gematria
Jagger’s bandmates got in on the number fun too.
His 137-word Tweet sums to 740