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Bodybuilder Luke Sandoe Dies Mysteriously @ 30

Luke Sandoe Dead: Professional Bodybuilder Dies at 30

"Luke Sandoe" = 163 (Reverse Ordinal)

163 is the 38th Prime number

Death, Killing, R.I.P. and Murder all = 38

Sandoe was born on August 3rd, written 3/8, a date with a Life Lesson number of 38:(8) + (3) + 1+9+8+9 = 38

He was born in the year ’89.

"Bodybuilder Luke Sandoe" = 89 (Full Reduction)

"Kill" = 89 (English Extended)

"IFBB" = 89 (Reverse Ordinal)

He passed away on May 7th, written either 5/7 or 7/5.

"Luke Sandoe" = 575 (English Extended)

"Luke Sandoe" = 457 (Satanic)

457 is the 88th Prime number

Sandoe died 88 days before his 31st birthday:

Sandoe = 31 S Exception and 58 Ordinal

News of his death broke today, May 8th, or 5/8.

Dallas McCarver

Back in 2017, I made a video on the death of bodybuilder Dallas McCarver. It was on my original, deleted YouTube channel, and I have not re-uploaded it. I was still figuring gematria out in 2017 so you’re not missing too much.

McCarver sums to 83 and 38. I pointed out how Sandoe was born on 8/3, or 3/8.

McCarver = 83, 38, and 52

Sandoe’s death fell on a date with Primary numerology of 52:(5) + (7) + (20) + (20) = 52

Death = 52 in KFW and with All Exceptions, Death = 25 in Reverse Reduction

Eclipse Crucifixion Code

"Bodybuilder Luke Sandoe" = 224 (English Ordinal)

Bodybuilder Luke Sandoe died a span of 1433 days before the 2024 Greater American Eclipse:1433 Days

Eclipse crucifixion code = 227 Ordinal and 1433 Extended

1433 is the 227th Prime number

"ליקוי מלא (Total eclipse)" = 227 (Hebrew Gematria)

Luke Sandoe died 2 months, 27 days before his birthday:

227 is the 49th Prime number

Notice how the names Dallas and Luke both sum to 49.

Dallas and Luke both = 13 Reduction

Dallas McCarver was born on 4/9, which is the 99th day of the year:

McCarver died on August 22nd, 2017, just one day after the 2017 Great American Eclipse. It was the first coast-to-coast total eclipse in The United States of America in 99 years.

"The United States of America" = 99 (Full Reduction)

The 2024 Greater American Eclipse falls on the 99th day of a leap year:

Luke Sandoe died a span of 990 days after Dallas McCarver, and exactly 990 days after the 2017 Great American Eclipse:990 Days

The Moon sums to 99 in Reverse.

"The Moon" = 99 (Reverse Ordinal)

The word Moon begins with the 13th letter in Ordinal and ends with the 13th letter in Reverse. Every couple of years, the Moon completes 13 lunar phases. 13 is the only number that sums to 99 in the alphabetic order.

"Thirteen" = 99 (English Ordinal)

Luke Sandoe died on 5/7. The Moon‘s range varies 57 degrees in the sky.

"Moon" = 57 (English Ordinal)

Notice how Luke and Dallas sums to 117, the same value as bodybuilder and thirteen.

Luke and Dallas, Bodybuilder, and Thirteen all = 117

Both Dallas and Luke have Reduction gematria of 13.

Dallas and Luke both = 13 in Reduction

"Professional bodybuilder" = 130 (Reverse Reduction)

13 is the 6th Prime number

Dallas McCarver died a span of 136 days after his birthday:

"Dallas" = 136 (Jewish)

Dallas’s nickname Big Country also sums to 136.

Big Country = 136, 134, and 53. Solar eclipse = 134, 53, and 190

"Sandoe" = 190 (Jewish)

Three days after the death of Dallas McCarver, another famous bodybuilder named Rich Piana passed away.

Luke Sandoe died a span of 987 days after bodybuilder Rich Piana

"Bodybuilder Rich Piana" = 987 (Jewish)

Piana was 46 years old. The IFBB was founded in ’46 as the International Federation of Bodybuilders. McCarver and Piana died 46 years after the IFBB’s international expansion.

"International Federation of Bodybuilders" = 406 (English Ordinal)

"Sacrifice" = 46 (Full Reduction) "להרוג (to kill)" = 46 (Hebrew Ordinal) "רצח (murder)" = 46 (Hebrew Ordinal)

That expansion was on September 4th, or 9/4, the same year Piana was born.

"Bodybuild" = 94 (English Ordinal)

Piana died 10 months, 30 days after his birthday. He was a span of exactly 563 months, old, and 563 is the 103rd Prime number. The 13th Prime number is 41.

"Piana" = 41 (English Ordinal)

“33” / “47” Code

Another significant number of sacrifice is 33.

Thirty-three & Ritual human sacrifice both = 895 in Jewish gematria

"Eclipse" = 33 (Full Reduction)

Dallas McCarver was born on a date with a Life Lesson number of 33:(4) + (9) + 1+9+9+1 = 33

McCarver’s death fell a span of exactly 33 weeks before his birthday:

News of Sandoe’s death broke on a date with Standard numerology of 33:(5) + (8) + (20) = 33

The two men died a span of 2 years, 260 days apart. 226 is heavily-connected to the number 33.

33÷2 = 16.5. Luke Sandoe was exactly 1605 weeks old when he died.

Dallas died on a date with Standard numerology of 47:(8) + (22) + (17) = 47

"Total eclipse" = 47 (Full Reduction)

News of Sandoe’s death falls exactly 47 months before the 2024 Greater American Eclipse:

"Killing" = 47 (Full Reduction KV)

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