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Bengals Lineman Sam Hubbard Announces NFL Retirement @ 29

Bengals' Sam Hubbard retires from NFL at 29

Cincinnati defensive end Sam Hubbard has announced that he’s retiring from the NFL before the age of 30. While some people may see this story and think of him as some sort of quitter, this author is steadfast in his belief that Sam has made the best decision of his life by escaping the concussion-filled, trauma-inducing gridiron, doing so with millions of dollars in the bank and a lifetime of opportunity. Good on you, Sam.

In the lore of modern mysticism, Sam Hubbard is a fascinating character. Back in 2022, I made this post showing the startling numerical connections he has to fellow gematria enthusiast Zachary K. Hubbard, who was born in 1983, as Sam’s head coach for the Bengals is named Zachary and was also born in 1983.

That NFL championship played in February of 2022 was Super Bowl 56.

"Hubbard" = 56 (Ordinal)

In that game, Hubbard wore #94, the number he donned on his jersey for his entire career:

Zach Hubbard = 94 Ordinal and Fibonacci

The number Ninety-four is also a Supermatch with Conspiracy.

Ninety four and Conspiracy both = 123, 147, 57, and 51

"Conspiracy" = 1086 (Standard) and "Sam Hubbard" = 1086 (Reverse Sumerian)

Zachary Hubbard is 138 days before his birthday:

"Zachary Hubbard" = 138 (Ordinal)

"Sam" = 138 (Satanic)

The MVP of Super Bowl LVI was wideout Cooper Kupp, who was born in Yakima, Washington – the same town Zach Hubbard lived in at the time. Within weeks of the Super Bowl, Cooper Kupp’s grandfather purchased Zach Hubbard’s house.

"Cooper Douglas Kupp" = 1250 (Standard)

Zac Taylor and Sam Hubbard were born 12 years, 50 days apart:

Once again, this decode is not an attempt to expose Zach as some sort of agent or Freemason, but to highlight the remarkable alignments that exist between notable people who share names, and thus, vibrational energy. After all, I’m extremely connected to the Skull & Bones code, with whom I have no affiliation, but I do spend a lot of my time talking about them.

While Zach acknowledges the organic matrix, he and other creators frequently claim that people who die by the numbers are being sacrificed by their supposed loved ones, on occasion suggesting this is even happening within the “truther” community. If we were to all use that logic, then given these findings, Zach must be a Freemason and is here for some other purpose like to mislead or distract people.

But my belief is that synchronicity to this extent can absolutely be a product of the computerized super-structure we live inside of.

Either way, it’s an important decode because it serves as further evidence of one of two things – either numerology has the power to manifest naturally on levels initially inconceivable to our puny brains, or that perhaps he’s somehow linked to the same institutions he’s decoding.

As I commonly state, I’m not here to tell you what to think. But I will give you information that may affect your perception and understanding.

Zach & Sam Hubbard

Sam Hubbard and Taylor both = 35, Bengals = 305 and Scottish Rite of Freemasonry = 350

Today is March 5th, or 3/5
The 35th Prime number is 149

The Bengals’ Sam Hubbard, who is Twenty-nine years old, was born on a date with Primary numerology of 149:(6) + (29) + (19) + (95) = 149

"Bengals Sam Hubbard" = 149 (Ordinal)

"Twenty nine" = 149 (Ordinal)

"Zachary K Hubbard" = 149 (Ordinal)

Conspiracy and Ninety-four both = 149 Caps Added

Zach and Sam Hubbard were born exactly 11 years, 49 weeks apart:

In the Prime number cipher, Cincinnati Bengals sums to 461.

"Cincinnati Bengals" = 461 (Primes)

461 is the 89th Prime number

Sam Hubbard played in the Super Bowl in Los Angeles, California.

"Sam Hubbard" = 89 (Ordinal)

"Los Angeles California" = 89 (Reduction)

Zachary Keefe Hubbard = 89 and Zach Hubbard = 809

89 weeks = 623 days

"Eighty nine" = 623 (Latin)

Sam Hubbard was born exactly 623 weeks after Zach Hubbard:

Super Bowl LVI was played 6 months, 23 days after Zach’s birthday:

The syncs continue with the number 23, as Zachary K. Hubbard has matching 2030 gematria with Cincinnati Bengals.

Zachary K Hubbard = 2030 and Zachary Keefe Hubbard = 532, Cincinnati Bengals = 2030 and The Cincinnati Bengals = 532

Sam Hubbard was a span of 230 days after his birthday when he played in Super Bowl LVI:

Sam was born a span of 23 days before Zach’s birthday:

Before being drafted into the NFL, Sam was a member of the Ohio State Buckeyes.

"Ohio State Buckeyes" = 203 (Ordinal)

Zach was 15,203 days old when Sam announced his retirement:

"Zach Hubbard" = 203 (Reverse)

Gematria is an important topic in the 2007 film The Number 23.

Zach was 23 years old when The Number 23 was released:

Remarkably, this number is stamped all over me as well. It makes sense, as not only did I build the calculator used by almost all gematria teachers, but the first version of the Gematrinator was built on Jim Carrey’s birthday in 2017.

I was born on a date with 23 numerology, which connects to my Ordinal gematria of 203:6 + 4 + 8+5 = 23

"Derek Michael J Tikkuri" = 203 (Ordinal)

I was born exactly 23 weeks before the next Total Solar Eclipse:

Jim Carrey was 23 years old when I was born:

Freemasonry Riddles

The Freemasonic compass, used to draw The Circle, is set to 47°.

"The Circle" = 47 (Reduction)

Sam Hubbard was born in Ohio. He played high school football in Ohio, played college football in Ohio, and was drafted by Ohio‘s Cincinnati Bengals, where he spent his entire career.

"Ohio" = 47 (Ordinal)

While the number 33 may be the most recognizable occultic number by most, Zach focuses on teaching people about the importance of the number 47:

The 47th Prime number is 211

Zach Hubbard was born 2 months, 11 days after Zac Taylor:

Zachary K. Hubbard was born on a date with Primary numerology of 130:(7) + (21) + (19) + (83) = 130

"Zachary K Hubbard" = 1300 (Latin), "Zachary Hubbard" = 130 (Fibonacci) and "Bengals Sam Hubbard" = 103 (Reverse Reduction)

The Bengals’ Sam Hubbard has Standard birth numerology of 130:(6) + (29) + (95) = 130

Zac Taylor was born on the 130th day of the year:

Coach Taylor was 41 years, 300 days old for Sam’s retirement:

41 is the 13th Prime number

Super Bowl LVI was the first Super Bowl to be played on the 13th of the month in almost half a century. It was also the first-ever time a 13th game had been played in the NFL’s postseason. The game was played in LA = 13 and won by the LA = 13 Rams and their quarterback Matthew Stafford, who was in his 13th professional season.

"Freemasonry" = 130 (Latin Ordinal) and "Scottish Rite of Freemasonry" = 1487 (Latin)

Zach Hubbard was 14087 days old for Super Bowl LVI:

The 33rd degree is the highest degree of Scottish Rite Masonry.

G = 33 (Capitals Added), "Masonry" = 33 (Reduction)

The Cincinnati Bengals star under Zac Taylor announced his retirement on a date with Reduced numerology of 33:(3) + (5) + (25) = 33

Bengals = 33, Cincinnati Bengals = 303, Zachary William Taylor = 3303 and 330, Zac Taylor = 333

"Sam" = 33 (Ordinal)

Sam is 3 months, 3 weeks, 3 days before his birthday:

Today’s news was published a span of exactly 3 years, 3 weeks (or 1117 days) after Super Bowl LVI:

1117 is the 187th Prime number
11×17 = 187

"Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry" = 187 (Reduction) and "Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry" = 632 (Reverse)

More Notes


Retirement also has matching gematria with Scottish Rite of Freemasonry.

Retirement and Scottish Rite of Freemasonry both = 127 and 143

The Bengals were founded in Cincinnati, Ohio on the 143rd day of the year:

"Cincinnati Ohio" = 143 (Ordinal)

The Hubbards were born 143 months apart, and their birthdays are separated by 343 days:

Zachary Keefe Hubbard, Super Bowl LVI, and Los Angeles California all = 343

Sam Hubbard also has a Life Lesson number of 59:(6) + (29) + 1+9+9+5 = 59

"Zach Hubbard" = 59 (Reverse Reduction) and "Zachary K Hubbard" = 509 (Reverse Caps Mixed)

"Freemasonry" = 59 (Reverse Reduction)

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