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MLB All-Time Hits Leader Pete Rose Dies @ 83

Pete Rose, MLB all-time hits leader, dies at 83

This is my first of two posts for this breaking news:

I’ve made a few posts on Pete Rose over the years. In 2019, NFL player Josh Shaw was suspended for illicitly betting on sports. In 2024, MLB banned someone for gambling for the first time since Pete Rose.

Pete Rose died at age 83 on a date with Primary numerology of 83, a number commonly seen associated with death:(9) + (30) + (20) + (24) = 83

"Murder" = 83 (Reverse)

Rose was a span of 8030 days of age for his first MLB game:

"Hank Aaron" = 83 (Ordinal)

There’s a lot of numbers in this decode that I talked about in my video from earlier today on the death of actor John Ashton, who died on September 26th. On that same date, former NBA MVP Derrick Rose announced his retirement:Derrick Rose Announces Retirement After 16 Years

The death of John Ashton was a riddle connected to the Society of Jesus. Pete Rose is associated with the city of Cincinnati, which is named after the Society of the Cincinnati.

Ashton was born 2505 days after Rose:

"Rose" = 255 (Standard)

Pete died 25 weeks, 5 days after Eddie Murphy’s birthday:

Eddie Murphy? Sports gambling was legalized by Phil Murphy. Eddie had a brother named Charlie, and Pete’s nickname was Charlie Hustle.

Sports gambling was originally banned in the United States in the year ’92.

"Banned" = 92 (Latin)

The legendary Banned Cincinnati Reds player/coach died on the date leaving 92 days in the year:

"Cincinnati Reds" = 92 (Reverse Reduction)

He died on 9/30. In Sumerian gematria, 930 is the value of anything that sums to 155 in Ordinal. Yesterday, the Reds just finished their 155th season of professional baseball.

"Pete Rose" = 155 (Capitals Added)

They finished with a 7785 record

Peter Edward Rose = 77 and 85

Hustle = 85 and 77

Ashton = 77 and 85

John Ashton = 176, who played John Taggart = 176, died 176 days after Eddie Murphy’s birthday. Now a man with the middle name Eddie dies in connection with this same number. Recall how Tucupita Marcano was banned from MLB for gambling earlier this year.

"Tucupita Marcano" = 176 (Ordinal)

"Peter Edward Rose" = 176 (Ordinal)

Peter Edward Rose died 176 days after the second Great American Eclipse and 165 days before the Pi Day Lunar Eclipse:

"Pete Rose" = 165 (Reverse Caps Added)

John Ashton died 165 days after Pete Rose’s birthday:

The feds illegalized sports betting 165 weeks after MLB banned Rose:

Pete Rose died a span of 88,165 days after the establishment of the Society of the Cincinnati (or 141 days after their anniversary):

"Charlie Hustle" = 141 (Ordinal)

A Lunar Eclipse…
When the Moon turns Rose

The Gambling ban was lifted on the date leaving 231 days in the year:

Gambling ban = 231 Primes and 62 Reverse Reduction

Pete Rose died 2331 days (or exactly 6 years, 20 weeks) after that date:

Hank Aaron = 231 Latin and 281 Standard

The ban had been enacted on 10/28 or 28/10

Pete Rose died 12821 days after being banned from baseball:

"Hits leader" = 281 (Fibonacci) and "Cincinnati" = 281 (Primes)

The Hits leader died 28 weeks, 1 day before his birthday:

Pete Rose’s playing career lasted 280 months, 10 days:

9/11 and Pi

In Sumerian, Tucupita Marcano, Peter Edward Rose, and Gamble on sports all = 1056

Tucupita Marcano was banned on the 156th day of a leap year:

The 156th Prime number is 911
156 is the 119th Composite Number

Society = 911 Tirgonal and 119 Reverse Caps Added

Pete died a span of 119 days after the Marcano ban:

Pete Rose died 11660 days after the 1992 ban on sports gambling:

On September 11th, 2001, the book Life of Pi was published:

Pete Rose finished his career with 1,314 RBI’s and 4256 hits before he was Banned for life.

"Four thousand two hundred fifty six" = 3140 (Latin)

"Banned for life" = 314 (Primes)

Tucupita Marcano was 300 months, 14 days old when Rose died:

John Ashton was born 314 days after Pete Rose’s birthday:

"Catholic" = 314 (Standard)

The Society of Jesus and Three point one four both = 224, 235, and 98

Rose died in 2024

In Caps Mixed, Peter Edward Rose Sr. = 422 and Pete Rose = 224 Reverse

Peter Edward Rose Sr. died a span of 4220 days after Francis became the Pope:

Pete Rose was exactly 4022 weeks old when Phil Murphy won his case:

Cincinnati, Ohio

Pete died exactly 333 weeks after sports gambling was legalized:

"Gambling ban" = 82 (Ordinal)

The Gambling ban was lifted exactly 82 months before the Pi Day Eclipse:

"Pi Day Lunar Eclipse" = 82 (Reduction)

"Cincinnati Ohio" = 82 (Reverse Reduction)

The 82nd Prime number is 421

Pete Rose passed away a span of 8,421 days after the 9/11 attacks:

Peter Rose has matching 174 gematria with Cincinnati.

"Peter Rose" = 174 (Reverse Caps Added)

Cincinnati = 96 and 174

Phil Murphy was born a span of 174 years, 96 days after the Society of the Cincinnati was founded:

"Society" = 96 (Ordinal)

Sports gambling was re-legalized just one day after the Society of the Cincinnati turned 235 years old:

"Cincinnati Ohio" = 235 (Reverse)

More Notes

Pete Rose was banned in 1989

Pete died 1989 weeks or 13,925 days after his final Major League appearance:

Charlie Hustle was exactly 925 months old when gambling was legalized:

Peter Edward Rose played his final game on the 229th day of the year:

Peter Edward Rose = 229 and 1229

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