One Dead in Kissimmee Target Shooting
1 dead, 3 injured in a shooting in Kissimmee at a store with a bullseye as its logo?
Converting to weeks, we get another very relevant number.
The number Forty-four has matching gematria with Orlando, Florida, which Kissimmee is a suburb of.
144 is 12×12
A span of 44 weeks is also 307 days.
This Shooting fell on a date with numerology of 37 and 53:
The 44th Prime number is 193
Disney Riddle
The Target store involved in this incident is located on Irlo Bronson Highway:
Irlo Bronson was a Florida politician who is best-known for selling private land to Walt Disney to allow for the construction of Walt Disney World:
This is relevant considering how much Disney we’ve seen in the news lately, as governor Desantis and the state’s conservatives attempt to end Disney’s special tax status:
This shooting in the year 2022 fell 20222 days after Walt died, and 222 days before his birthday:
Bob Saget
Early this year, I blogged about how the death of comedian Bob Saget, who died in Orlando, was also coded to the number 44.