Exploring the Numerology & Astrology of Prince (1958-2016)
This post will review the numerology of eight different eclipses in relation to Prince. These are the most recent, and next, total lunar and solar eclipses measuring from both his birth and death:
Prince was born on a date with 90 and 36 numerology:
283 is the 61st Prime number
He died on a date with numerology of 61
Total Lunar Eclipses
The Moon has an equatorial radius of 1738 kilometers:
1080 × 2 = 2160
This means the Moon has an equatorial diameter of 2160 miles. Prince was born 21 months, 6 days before the next total lunar eclipse:
His final tour was called Piano & A Microphone Tour, which began on 2/16/2016
He allegedly died in 2016 at the age of 57
There are 19 years in the Moon’s Metonic cycle
The 19th Prime number is 67
Prince was born on June 7th, the date written 6/7
The 67th Prime number is 331
When Prince was born, his Moon was at the heart of Aquarius at the 331st degree of the ecliptic.

June 7th can also be written 7/6
At the same moment, the Sun was at the 76th degree of the ecliptic.
The date of Prince’s birth in Minneapolis, Minnesota fell a span of 30 weeks, 3 days after the most recent total lunar eclipse
His Piano & A Microphone Tour ended exactly one week before he died:
The end date, April 14th, can be written 14/4
Prince’s death fell 206 days after the most recent total lunar eclipse:
This was 65 days after the tour began:
His death was also 650 days before the next total lunar eclipse:
650 days is also a span of exactly 93 weeks:
Prince was born and died on the 93rd meridian:
Total Solar Eclipses
The Sun is said to be 93 million miles away
The 93rd Prime number is 487
Prince’s death also fell exactly 487 days before the next total solar eclipse:
Chanhassen & Minneapolis are on the 44th parallel
His death was a span of 44 days after the most recent total solar eclipse:
Prince’s full name matches the Greek value of total solar eclipse
Prince was born 227 days after the most recent total eclipse
His birth in Minneapolis was exactly 127 days before the next total solar eclipse:
The state of Minnesota was exactly 100 years, 27 days old on that same date:
127 is the 31st Prime number
The Sun was at the 31st degree of the ecliptic when he died.
Both the Moon and Sun are said to be 108× their own diameter away from the Earth.