Google Doodle – French Sculptor Camille Claudel
Google is celebrating the 155th birthday of French sculptor Camille Claudel with a special Google Doodle today. 155 years is equivalent to 1860 months:
The 186th Prime number is 1109
Camille Claudel died on the date 10/19. She was 1 month, 19 days before her birthday:
This same measurement is also 50 days:
Musée Camille Claudel
In 2017, the Musée Camille Claudel opened in France on March 26th, the 85th day of the year:
The date of the museum’s opening had primary numerology of 66
The museum’s opening on March 26th was a span of 159 days after the anniversary of Claudel’s death:
Eclipse Riddle
Today is 159 days after the most recent total solar eclipse:
Today marks the first day of the 156th year since Camille’s birth.
If we instead measure to the next total solar eclipse, we get a span of 373 days:
373 is the 74th Prime number
Jesus was crucified at age 33 during darkness.
The phrase total solar eclipse and blood sacrifice both sum to 257
Claudel died 257 days after the most recent total solar eclipse in 1943, and a span of 14 weeks, 1 day before the next one in 1944:
Today’s Google Doodle was posted 257 days after the second anniversary of her museum’s opening. This is also exactly 141 weeks: