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7 Motorcyclists Killed on New Hampshire’s 231st Anniversary

 7 motorcyclists are dead after colliding with a pickup truck in New Hampshire

This is a story about motorcyclists dying in Randolph, NH

Motorcyclists and Randolph, NH both = 160 and 56. Motorcyclists also = 191

191 is the 43rd Prime number
The 56th Prime number is 263

Randolph = 43 Reduction & 263 Jewish

"Route Two" = 43 (Reverse Reduction)"Randolph, NH" = 43 (Reverse Reduction)

New Hampshire became a state on the same date as this accident, June 21st, in 1788, making it 231 years old:231 Years, 0 Days

231 is the 21st Triangular number

"Cycle" = 21 (Full Reduction)

There’s something that stands out about 231 number in gematria. If you reverse 231, you get the number 132. In Reverse gematria, two thirty-one sums to 132

"Two thirty-one" = 132 (Reverse Ordinal)

The 132nd Prime number is 743

"7 motorcyclists are dead after colliding with a pickup truck in New Hampshire" = 743 (English Ordinal)

The words cycle and motorcycle both sum to 741

"Cycle" = 741 (English Extended)

"Motorcycle" = 741 (Jewish)

741 is the 38th Triangular number

Death, Killing, R.I.P. and Murder all = 38

The accident occurred in on Route 2 in Randolph

"Route Two" = 38 (Full Reduction)

"Randolph" = 38 (Reverse Reduction)

The 38th Prime number is 163

The Governor of New Hampshire, Chris Sununu, was in his 16300th day alive:16300 Days

Chris Sununu was 167 days after his second anniversary of taking office:167 Days

"Chris Sununu" = 167 (English Ordinal)

167 is the 39th Prime number

(6) + (21) + 2+0+1+9= 39

The motorcyclists were struck by a pick-up truck

New Hampshire= 67 & 185. Pickup truck = 67, 1-85, and 50. Chris Sununu = 67 & 50

The 50th Prime number is 229, and Sununu was a span of 229 days after his birthday.

June twenty-first = 229 & 67

The day before the crash in Randolph was also 128 weeks after he took office:128 Weeks

"Randolph" = 128 (Reverse Ordinal)

The accident occurred 11 days before this year’s total solar eclipse:11 Days

"Randolph, NH" = 110 (English Ordinal)

"Randolph, New Hampshire" = 110 (Full Reduction)

Total eclipse sums to 227 in Hebrew:

"ליקוי מלא (Total eclipse)" = 227 (Hebrew Gematria)

"Randolph, New Hampshire" = 227 (English Ordinal)

Worth pointing out the gematria of the police captain who’s been on TV giving us the news:

"Chris Vetter" = 1180 (Jewish)

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