Revelation Riddle Revisited: The 2015 WDBJ-7 Shooting
I made a post on this last year but want to give it another crack. This event was perhaps the least-convincing fake shooting in the history of media and needs to be understood by everybody.
The 2015 alleged Murders of Alison Parker and Adam Ward on live television was a numeric ritual in relation to the Book of Revelation. Perhaps not coincidentally, this event served as the revelation many people needed to wake up to their fake news media. Undoubtedly, it is the event that 100% cemented it into my brain.
It occurred on a date with Standard numerology of 49
The shooting fell 218 days before (or a span of 149 days after) the anniversary of the station’s founding:
WDBJ-7 was founded on March 31st, written 3/31
The 331st Prime number is 2221
The final verse of Revelation is 22:21
The station’s slogan is Your Hometown Station
In the Book of Revelation, The Synagogue of Satan rules the land:

Alison Parker is the television personality who is said to have been gunned down that morning by Vester Lee Flanagan II at Bridgewater Plaza.
She was 24 years, 7 days old:
Alison Parker has matching Ordinal & Reduction values with Freemasonry
The Book of Revelation culminates in the second coming of Jesus. Parker’s cameraman, who is also said to have been killed, was named Ward.
Ward was 3 months, 16 days after his birthday on the date of his supposed death:
The shooter’s on-air name was Bryce Williams. This has overlap with Adam Ward, which also matches the Ordinal values of both Revelation and Jesus Christ
Ward and Parker were interviewing Vicki Gardner, the head of the Chamber of Commerce
Note the 146 overlap when combining the names of the victims:
The Book of Revelation also reveals the number of the Beast
The Beast rules for 42 months. Ward and Parker were shot on a date with a Life Lesson number of 42
The number of the Beast is Six hundred threescore and six

Six hundred threescore and six = 666
Adam Ward was born a span of exactly 1197 days before Alison Parker:
Notice how Ward was born on October 5th, written 10/5. Converting our measurement above, we also get 3 years, 3 months, 9 days:
The Merchant of Killogue is a book written nearly 100 years ago, but was re-published just three years before the WDBJ shooting. It features a character named Sylvester Flanagan, who commits murder to influence a political vote. This shooting was used to ramp up anti-gun rhetoric.
Again, the Book of Revelation culminates in the second coming of Christ, who was at first crucified under a solar eclipse. Revelation 6:12 mentions what seem to be both a solar and lunar eclipse:

In the Reverse order, this verse sums to 2210, like how the city in which the shooting occurred sums to 221
This verse has Ordinal gematria of 1192
The digits in 192 can be flipped and switched to reveal 612, like Revelation 6:12. The WDBJ shooting was 6 months, 12 days (or exactly 28 weeks) before the next total solar eclipse
That eclipse fell on March 9th, written 3/9

Because 2016 was a leap year, March 9th was the 69th day of that year:
Parker, a WDBJ reporter, was allegedly shot on a date with Full numerology of 69
Revelation 6:12 also mentions the Moon becoming as blood, which it appears to do during a total lunar eclipse. The WDBJ shooting was exactly 33 days before the next total lunar eclipse
Before a total solar eclipse can occur, the Moon and Sun must intersect to create a vesica piscis
The reporters were gunned down during an interview
To maximize the Christ mockery, Chris Hurst, a gay co-worker of Alison Parker who claimed to be her fiance, wound up being elected to office in 2018.
He was born on the 190th day of the year:
Vester Lee Flanagan was born on 10/8
Alison Parker was born in Martinsville, Virginia
Adam Laing Ward was 108 days after his birthday:
113 is the mainstream’s primary number of deception
Her father’s name was Andy Parker, who was giving interviews the same day we were told she died:
He was making the rounds on television alongside Chris Hurst: