Media Gives Ernest P. Worrell a Pi Tribute
See my post on the death of Jim Varney from January of last year.
Ernest played a charcter named Ernest P. Worrell
Today, CNN posted an article about a man named Ernest Quintana

Ernest Quintana was 78 years old
Today is the 69th day of the year:
The 69th Prime number is 347
Today is a span of exactly 6969 days since the death of Jim Varney:
This same duration of time comes out to 19 years, 1 month:
191 is the 43rd Prime number
The woman interviewed in this story about her grandfather is Annalisa Wilharm
Solar Eclipse Riddles
I often teach about how 1331 is the ultimate eclipse number
The only total solar eclipse of 1331 fell on November thirtieth
Ernest died 8018 months, 11 days after the 1331 eclipse
Today is a span of exactly 81 weeks after the most recent total solar eclipse:
Quintana’s diagnosis came via video-link robot
The phrase solar eclipse sums to 53 and 71
Jim Varney died 5 months, 30 days after the most recent total solar eclipse, and exactly 71 weeks before the next one:
Today’s story about Ernest Quintana comes out of Fremont, California
Numbers of the Circle
The date Jim Varney died had Full numerology of 32
Today’s story about Ernest Quintana has Standard numerology of 32
Consider that Flight 302 crashed today
The word circle sums to 32 and 50
Jim Varney died at age 50
The 50th Prime number is 229
Varney was born in Lexington, Kentucky
Today is exactly 229 months after he died:
The mathematics of the circle are resolved with Pi
Today has Reduced numerology of 16, a Life Lesson number of 25, and Full numerology of 52
And again, it’s the 69th day of the year:
Headline Gematria
445 is the Hebrew gematria of total lunar eclipse
This story takes place at Kaiser Permanente Medical Center in Fremont, California
Today is 808 days before the next total lunar eclipse: