104-Year-Old David Goodall Ends Own Life
104-year-old David Goodall ended his own life today at Life Circle clinic in Basel, Switzerland.
This story is all about the number 19. Nineteen is a significant number to life, death, circles, and cycles. There are 19 years in the Metonic cycle. The Greeks even coded the number 19 into the words for “The Moon” and “Time”
The 19th prime number is 67
Likewise, it’s the number 19 that guides us through this news story.
For starters, think about how the number 19 becomes 61 when flipped upside-down. The name of the man ending his life in this story is David Goodall
He’s wearing a shirt that says “AGEING DISGRACEFULLY”
He flew from Western Australia to Basel, Switzerland so he could die at Life Circle clinic.

Let’s not lose sight of the fact he is 104 years old.