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“Macho Man” Randy Savage – Dead by the Numbers

“Macho Man” Randy Savage died at exactly 21,370 days old.

21,370 days

2137 is the 322nd prime number

"Circle" = 322 (Reverse Satanic)"Circle" = 223 (Reverse Franc Baconis)

""Macho Man" Randy Savage" = 223 (KFW Kabbalah)

His real name was:"Randy Mario Poffo" = 229 (Reverse Ordinal)

229 is the 50th prime number

"Circle" = 50 (English Ordinal)

He died on the 140th day of the year

"Circle" = 140 (English Extended)

Poffo’s name has two O‘s in it, as does his home state of OhiO

"Circles" = 314 (Satanic)

Eclipse = 314 Satanic

Savage died 314 days after the previous total solar eclipse314 days

"Poffo" = 202 (English Extended)

Total solar eclipse = 202"Ritual human sacrifice" = 202 (Jewish Ordinal)

"Randy Mario Poffo" = 1056 (Sumerian)"ליקוי (Eclipse)" = 156 (Hebrew Gematria)

"Randy Poffo" = 57 (Full Reduction)"ליקוי (Eclipse)" = 57 (Hebrew Ordinal)

He is said to have died of:"Cardiovascular disease" = 83 (Full Reduction)"Cardiovascular disease" = 209 (English Ordinal)

Total Eclipse = 83 in Hebrew Solar Eclipse = 83 in HebrewSolar Eclipse = 209 in Hebrew

"Murder" = 83 (Reverse Ordinal)

As is often the case, this death fell on a date with 38 numerology

5 + 2+0 + (20) + (11) = 38

He died in Seminole, Florida"Seminole" = 38 (Full Reduction)"Florida" = 38 (Full Reduction)

Savage was 58"Poffo" = 58 (English Ordinal)

Measuring ahead two total solar eclipses:Exactly 46 months

He was born on the date leaving 46 days in the year

Sacrifice = 46 Reduction Kill = 46 in Hebrew Murder = 46 in Hebrew

Twenty-seven = 46 Reduction

Savage died 47 days after WrestleMania 27

"Killing" = 47 (Full Reduction KV)

The 47th prime number is 211"Killing" = 211 (Primes)

Ritual = 27

"Ritual" = 410 (Jewish)

"The Biggest WrestleMania Ever" = 410 (Reverse Ordinal)
Official WrestleMania 27 tagline

"The Biggest WrestleMania Ever" = 2404 (Jewish)

Kill = 244 Hebrew

Savage died 4,707 days before the second Great American total solar eclipse4707 days

"Ritual sacrifice" = 477 (Primes)

This is also 154 months154 months

Ritual sacrifice = 154

The Ultimate Warrior died exactly ten years before this same eclipse. Click the link for my post on him.

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