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John Lennon’s Murder – Re-Creation of Jesus’ Crucifixion

“John Winston Lennon” = 91 / 80 (Single Reduction / Reverse)
“Jesus of Nazareth” = 80 / 91 (Single Reduction / Reverse)

John Lennon was born on October 9th, 1940 and killed by Mark David Chapman on December 8th, 1980.

"John Winston Lennon" = 235 (English Ordinal)

Chapman’s birthday is May 10th, the date leaving 235 days in the year

235 is a significant number in relation to time. There are 23.5 degrees between the equator and Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. There are 235 synodic months in the 19-year Metonic cycle, a.k.a. Enneadecaeteris.

Although not backed by historical research, the claim exists Jesus was crucified under a total eclipse. Measuring from Lennon’s death to the next total solar eclipse:235 Days

"John Winston Lennon" = 224 (Reverse Ordinal)"Lennon" = 224 (Primes)

Measuring back from his death to the most recent total solar eclipse:42 Weeks, 2 Days

He was shot on a date with a life lesson number of 38(12) + (8) + 1+9+8+0 = 38

This occurred at his apartment, the Dakota"Dakota" = 38 (Reverse Full Reduction)

(Interesting that the shooting took place on the 4th anniversary of the Dakota being classified as a National Historic Landmark)

The date is written in the United States as 12/8"Kill" = 128 (Primes)

It’s the date that leaves 23 days in the year

23 squared is 529  |  The 23rd prime number is 83"Murder" = 529 (English Extended)"Murder" = 83 (Reverse Ordinal)

"John Winston Lennon" = 830 (Satanic)"Mark David" = 83 (English Ordinal)

Lennon was born on the date leaving 83 days in the year:

There was one total solar eclipse in ’83. Measuring from his death to that date:
30 Months, 3 Days

His killer’s birthday falls 30 weeks, 3 days after his own:30 weeks, 3 days

On the date of the murder, Chapman was 30 weeks, 3 days after his own birthday:30 Weeks, 3 Days

30 weeks, 3 days is also 213 days"Death" = 213 (Satanic)

Lennon was born on a date with a life lesson number of 33(10) + (9) + 1+9+4+0 = 33

See why 33 is coded into sacrifice rituals. It has to do with the crucifixion of Jesus.

93 is another number tied to Christianity and the crucifixion of Jesus. See slide on 93

Lennon died exactly 93 weeks after the only total solar eclipse to occur the year before, in 1979Exactly 93 weeks

"Lennon" = 74 (English Ordinal)

The 74th prime number is 373"John Lennon" = 373 (English Extended)

"Jesus" = 61 (Reverse Ordinal)"Time" = 61 (Reverse Ordinal)He died in his 61st day after his birthday:61 Days

"Mark David" = 61 (Reverse Full Reduction)

5 + 1+0 + (55) = 61
Chapman’s birth numerology

Lennon was born in ’40. He died at age 40. The 40th prime number is 173"John Lennon" = 173 (Francis Bacon)"Chapman" = 173 (English Extended)

“Forty” = 84 (English Ordinal)
He died 8 weeks, 4 days after his birthday

John Lennon = Revelation in 3 of 4 base ciphers

“John Lennon” = 844 (Trigonal)"התגלות (Revelation)" = 844 (Hebrew Gematria)

"Eclipse sacrifice" = 448 (English Extended)

"Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry" = 448 (English Ordinal)

“Mark David Chapman” = 67 (Single Reduction)"Freemasonry" = 67 (Single Reduction)Blood sacrifice = 67 Reduction Human sacrifice = 67 Reduction

“Mark David Chapman” = 139 (English Ordinal)"Freemasonry" = 139 (English Ordinal)

"Mark David Chapman" = 293 (Reverse Ordinal)293 is the 62nd prime number"Mason" = 62 (English Ordinal)

“Chapman” = 133 (Reverse Ordinal)Sacrifice = 133 Kabbalah

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