Lewis Hamilton Grabs Pole for Sprint Race in China
After a disappointing opening week for the Tifosi, Lewis Hamilton surprised F1 fans by securing pole position for the first Sprint Race of the season to be held tomorrow, one day before the Chinese Grand Prix.
Lewis was one of the drivers I mentioned in my preview for the race, but I didn’t say much about him. However, now that former F1 team owner Eddie Jordan passed away, it’s worth doing a deeper dive.
JFK / Skull & Bones
As it turns out, Lewis Hamilton has remarkable numerical connections to Eddie Jordan.
Lewis Hamilton was born 322 days after Enzo Ferrari’s birthday, and Enzo died 3 years, 220 days later:
Hamilton is looking for his 106th career win
It’s been 106 years since 1919
Ferrari’s next win will be their 248th
The 248th Composite number is 314
The first four digits of Pi are 3.141
Eddie Jordan / 1919
The Grand Prix runs on the 23rd of March, or 23/3.
1331 is the ultimate Eclipse number
On May 29th of 1919, Earth saw its longest Total Eclipse in over 500 years, and on November 22nd of that same year, the longest Annular Eclipse in nearly 300 years occurred:
JFK was born on May 29th and died on November 22nd:
Nov. 22nd is written as 11/22
17/2 is the birthday of Michael Jordan:
Kobe was born on the anniversary of the FAA, which was founded 1917 days before JFK, who was born in 1917, was killed.