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Former F1 Team Owner Eddie Jordan Dies of Cancer @ 76

Iconic F1 team owner Eddie Jordan passes away aged 76

This is my first of two posts on today’s news:

The last three videos on my YouTube channel all discuss the ongoing riddles with Pope Francis, the Pi Day Total lunar eclipse, and NBA Hall of Famer and 6-time champion Michael Jordan, particularly in connection with the world of racing:

Today, we learned that Eddie Jordan, the owner of former F1 team Jordan Grand Prix, has passed away. The final race ever run by Jordan Grand Prix was the Chinese Grand Prix – the same being held this weekend.

It’s interesting to me that this departure occurred in South Africa. In my first post on the F1 season from last week, I talked about how the opening race was a riddle connected to South African sprinter Oscar Pistorius.

Michael Jordan

Jordan GP won a race for the last time in 2003. Eddie died on the 20th of March, or 20/3:

"Total lunar eclipse" = 203 (Ordinal)

#23 is the number MJ wore at North Carolina and with the Bulls before moving on to the Washington Wizards. W is the 23rd letter:

MJ = 23, North Carolina = 203, Washington Wizards = 230, Pi Day = 230 Satanic

Bergoglio, Pi Day, and Brown Lunation all = 230

203 is the Area code for New Haven, Connecticut, home to Yale University:

Jordan departed 203 days before Yale’s Oct. 9th anniversary:

Cape Town South Africa = 322 Caps and 295 Reverse

Two hundred twenty three, Three hundred twenty two, Skull and Bones society, and Skull And Bones all = 295

Eddie Jordan was 20095 days (or 55 years, 7 days) old for his final win:

"Eddie Jordan" = 557 (Trigonal)

It was also the first day of the 2095th week since Michael Jordan was born:

Seventy-six (76)

Eddie reportedly died at the age of 76.

"Michael" = 76 (Latin)

"Michael Jordan" = 76 (Reverse Reduction)

Eddie Jordan and Michael Jordan were born a span of 776 weeks, 6 days apart:

Skull and Bones and Secret society = 76 Reduction

The home of the Skull and Bones secret society, Yale University, celebrated a very special anniversary in 2023 when it turned 322 years old.

The 2025 Chinese GP falls a span of 76 weeks after that date:

Human sacrifice and Blood sacrifice both = 76 Single Reduction

The Chinese Grand Prix falls 1776 weeks after Jordan GP’s F1 debut:

"Pi" = 76 (Primes)

Jordan Grand Prix won their first race in August of 1998.

Qualifying for that race was held 76 days after Jordan’s last title:

Francis was 76 years old when he began leading the Catholic Church:

Pope Francis

The popular former team owner died 4390 days after Francis became The Pope:

439 is the 85th Prime number

"The Pope" = 85 (Ordinal)

Edmund Patrick Jordan was born 11 years, 104 days after Pope Francis:

"Edmund Patrick Jordan" = 114 (Reverse Reduction)

Eddie lived to be 28,114 days of age. This weekend falls 1014 weeks after Jordan GP’s final race:

Eddie died a span of 114 days before Lawrence Stroll’s birthday:

The Jesuit Order, Ignatius of Loyola, Francis Xavier, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, and Domus Sanctae Marthae all = 201

Jorge Mario Bergoglio, the first Jesuit pope, was born on a date with Primary numerology of 84, which was Dec. 17th or 12/17:(12) + (17) + (19) + (36) = 84

Edmund Jordan = 201, Edmund Patrick Jordan = 201, 84, and 1217

84 is an important number to Masonry and The Jesuit Order.

Masonry, Jesuit, The Jesuit Order, and The Jesuits all = 804

"Total lunar eclipse" = 804 (Latin)

Francis became the Pope a span of 8040 days (or 22 years, 4 days) after Jordan GP entered the sport:

The Society of Jesus and Three point one four both = 224 Ordinal

324 – 100

Yale is now 323 years old
Sunday’s race is on 3/23

"Seventy six" = 323 (Capitals Mixed)

"Pope Francis Jorge Mario Bergoglio" = 323 (Ordinal)

Three hundred twenty four = 323 in Caps and Reverse Caps Added

Michael was born 324 days after Eddie’s birthday and was exactly 3240 weeks old for his death:

One Hundred (100)

Eddie Jordan has Primary birth numerology of 100:(3) + (30) + (19) + (48) = 100

"Jordan" = 100 (Reverse)

His team’s last race was in China, and he passed away just a few days before F1 goes racing again in China.

"China" = 100 (Reverse)

The 100th Prime number is 541. Over the years, the lineage of Jordan Grand Prix has become the current Aston Martin team.

"Aston Martin" = 541 (Latin)

Eddie matches the numbers 76, 324, and 100 in gematria.

Eddie, Seventy six, Three hundred twenty four, and One hundred all = 108

This will be the 18th Chinese GP

Eddie had Reduced birth numerology of 18 and died on the 18th Eastern meridian:3 + 3+0 + 4+8 = 18

"Francis" = 1008 (Squares)

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