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Josh Berry Captures First Cup Series Win @ Pennzoil 400 in Las Vegas

NASCAR Cup Series race at Las Vegas: Josh Berry earns first career win

"Josh Berry" = 316 (Fibonacci)

The race was held on 3/16

Jesus has a value of 316 in Standard Hebrew:

One of the most famous Bible verses is John 3:16, which states why Jesus was sent to Earth. This race was won by a man named Joshua, which is the anglicized version of Yeshua, the Hebrew name for Jesus.

Jesus Christ and Yeshua both = 1316 Reverse Standard

There are a lot of important names and phrases that sum to 1316Click here for a list.

Francis was elected as Pope 31 weeks, 6 days before Berry’s birthday:

Pi Day falls a span of 31 weeks, 6 days before his birthday:

Jesus / Six six six (666)

Two days before the race, there was an Eclipse on Pi Day, or 3/14. The last two videos on my channel focused on the incredible riddle showing how Pi is coded into the relationship between Pope Francis and Michael Jordan. See my work on the Pi Day Pileup and Chicago Bulls’ banners being removed.

"Catholic" = 314 (Standard)

Pope Francis and Michael Jordan were born exactly 314 months apart:

Berry won his first career race a span of 31 weeks, 4 days (or 221 days) before his next birthday:

Joshua William Berry was born on the 22nd of October, or 22/10:

Joshua William Berry = 221 Ordinal and 1985 Standard

"Jesus" = 985 (Latin)

Jesus is the Son of God. The Magic Square of the Sun has a total sum of 666:Six hundred sixty-six = 275 Ordinal, Jesus Christ = 1275 Latin

NASCAR was founded on 2/21 of ’48. Josh Berry has matching 48 gematria with Six six six.

Josh Berry and Six six six both = 48 Reduction

The race was sponsored by Pennzoil.

Pennzoil = 48 Reduction and 666 Sumerian, Pennzoil and Number of the Beast both = 724 Latin and 1074 Standard

Josh Berry was born exactly 666 Lunar phases (or 19667 days) after Pope Francis:

"Thirty two" = 1967 (Standard)

Francis is the first Jesuit to become the Pope. The Jesuit emblem shows 32 rays of the Sun:

"Berry" = 32 (Reduction)

"Las Vegas Motor Speedway" = 302 (Reverse)

1967 is the sum of 983 + 984

The name Jesus is mentioned 983 times in the New Testament. If you include the name Bar-jesus, it’s mentioned 984 times.

Bell’s first Cup race was 98 months, 3 days (or a span of 98 months, 4 days) after Francis’s papacy started:

Michael Jordan

Francis became the head of the Vatican at 1019 Sidereal months of age:

Francis and Vatican both = 119 Reverse

The 11th of September, or 11/9 is the date that many Christians believe Jesus was truly born on:

Josh was born in Hendersonville, Tennessee 10109 days after M.J. and a span of 119 days before his next birthday:

"Hendersonville Tennessee" = 119 (Reverse Reduction)

These two men also share a lot of gematria.

Joshua William Berry = 851, Michael Jordan = 851 and 238, Josh Berry = 238 and 123, Jordan = 123

The Pi Day Eclipse belonged to Lunar Saros series # 123:

"Pi" = 123 (Fibonacci)

"Pi" = 11 (Reverse Reduction)

"Jesus" = 11 (Reduction)

This was the 101st victory for Wood Brothers Racing in the Cup Series:

Wood Brothers Racing and Wood both = 101 Reverse

Michael Jordan has Primary birth numerology of 101:(2) + (17) + (19) + (63) = 101

101 is the 26th Prime number

Jordan = 62 and 26

Michael Jordan was a span of exactly 62 years, 4 weeks of age:

"Wood" = 624 (Standard)

Jordan was 600 months, 24 days old when Francis became Pope:

Six hundred twenty-four = 293, the 62nd Prime number

Vatican City

Sunday was a span of 277 days before the birthday of Pope Francis:

277 is the 59th Prime number

Pope Francis and Michael Jordan both = 59

Jordan was born a span of exactly 1,775 weeks after Vatican City’s establishment:

Jordan and Pope Francis & Michael Jordan both = 775

The race was held a span of exactly 5014 weeks after Vatican City was founded:

5/14 was the founding date of Israel:

Berry’s Debut

Berry won his first race in Las Vegas 51 Sidereal months, 6 days after his 5/16 debut:

"Las Vegas" = 516 (Sumerian)

On the same day as the Pennzoil 400, Formula One kicked their season off in Australia with a Grand Prix won by Lando Norris.

M.J. is a span of exactly 440 months, 4 weeks older than Lando Norris:

Jordan was 1,444 weeks old when Berry was born and Francis was 4404 weeks old for his first Cup Series race:

Killing, Jesus, Cross, Messiah, Gospel, and Parables all = 444 Sumerian

Berry’s Cup Series debut was a span of 151 days after Francis’s birthday:

"Jesus Christ" = 151 (Ordinal)

Berry’s debut was 1044 Lunar phases after Francis was born, and the Pi Day Eclipse was 144 months after he became Pope:

"Nine twenty two" = 144 (Reverse)

The President of Israel is Isaac Herzog.

"President Isaac Herzog" = 922 (Satanic) and "Crucifixion of Jesus Christ" = 922 (Fibonacci)

The Pi Day Eclipse was exactly 922 months after Israel’s founding, and Berry was born 9 years, 22 days before F1 winner Lando Norris:

Berry’s debut was exactly 266 Lunations after Lando was born:

Francis is the 266th Pope

"Iesus Hominum Salvator" = 266 (Reverse)

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