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Chicago Bulls Championship Banners Damaged and Removed

Chicago Bulls’ championship banners damaged during concert — and won’t return to United Center rafters this season

Yesterday, I made this video on a disastrous car crash in Austin, Texas, which highlighted the fascinating Pi alignments between Pope Francis, the State of Israel, and Michael Jordan of the Chicago Bulls:

Just a couple of hours before the Eclipse began, Jordan’s old team, the Chicago Bulls, defeated the Brooklyn Nets at their home arena, the United Center:

Pi = 110, 11, and 16

Chicago is home to the 60606 zip code. The game featured a total of 216 points.

Mathematics of the circle = 666 Latin and 216 Ordinal

Disturbed / David Draiman

As I was recording that live stream, a new article was hitting the presses around the country. Although the concert in the above story occurred on March 8th, this news was not printed until yesterday, March 14th. Yesterday was of course the date of the special Pi Day Eclipse.

The show in question was held by rock band Disturbed, who was performing in their home city of Chicago. I’ve always enjoyed Disturbed. That shit pumps me up. I don’t think I ever broke anything listening to their music, but I can’t guarantee that.

M.J. went to North Carolina before wearing #23 for the Bulls, then moving on to play for the Washington Wizards.

MJ = 23, North Carolina = 203, Washington Wizards = 230, Pi Day = 230 Satanic

Disturbed has matching 203 gematria with Total lunar eclipse.

"Disturbed" = 203 (Capitals Mixed)

"Total lunar eclipse" = 203 (Ordinal)

The lead singer of Disturbed is David Draiman, who is Jewish – appropriate, as the Jewish flag uses the Star of David. His full name sums to 185 in Hebrew Ordinal, matching Solomon’s Temple. The pile-up in Austin was caused by a man named Solomun.

David Michael Draiman = 185 in Hebrew Ordinal

"Solomons Temple" = 185 (Reverse)

The concert was held a span of 299 days after Israel’s anniversary:

"David Michael Draiman" = 299 (Capitals Mixed)

David was born on the first day of the 299th month since Israel’s founding:

"State of Israel" = 298 (Capitals Mixed)

The concert was on the date leaving 298 days in the year:

The Moon

He is heavily-coded with numbers of The Moon, having been born on a date with numerology of 10836, and 27:(3) + (13) + (19) + (73) = 108, (3) + (13) + 1+9+7+3 = 36, and 3 + 1+3 + 1+9+7+3 = 27

108 is an important number to the Geometry of the Sun-Earth-Moon system:

The Moon = 36 and 27

His band’s pyrotechnics destroyed every championship Banner the Bulls had hanging from the ceiling.

Banner = 108, 36, and 27

On the date of the show, David Draiman was on both an exact Lunar and Sidereal count.

Draiman was exactly 643 Lunar phases and exactly 695 Sidereal months old:

This type of alignment with someone’s lunar age occurs only about once per year.

Israeli Pi Code

Pi Day was first celebrated in the year ’88, on the same exact day as  the birth of Stephen Curry, who drained his four thousandth three-pointer on March 13th:

Chicago is located on the 88th western meridian:

"David Michael Draiman" = 88 (Reduction)

His common name David Draiman matches both Three point one four and Pi Day.

David Draiman and Three point one four both = 224

Draiman was born 2 months, 24 days after Francis’s birthday:

David Draiman and Pi Day both = 55 and 80

"David Michael Draiman" = 1025 (Fibonacci)

Jordan was a span of 10 years, 25 days old when David Michael Draiman was born:

Disturbed burst onto the scene in 2000 with the release of their first full-length record, The Sickness.

The concert was just one day after Disturbed’s debut album turned 25 years old:

Jordan was 25 years old for the first Pi Day, and Draiman was 25 years old when Michael won his last of Six titles:

Israel = 205, Three point one four = 250, and Six = 25

The 25th Prime number is 97

Draiman was born a span of 9070 days after Israel was founded:

Israel was formed on May 14th, or 5/14 of 1948:

The 514th Prime number is 3677

David Draiman was born 3677 days after Michael Jordan:

367 is the 73rd Prime number

"Banners" = 73 (Ordinal)

vid Draiman was born in the year ’73:

His birthday falls just one day before Pi Day, which is the 73rd day of the year:

Perfect and Number both = 73 Ordinal

The third Perfect Number is 496

Michael Jordan was born during Brown Lunation # 496:

Six six six (666)

Mathematics of the circle and Mathematical perfection both = 666 Latin

"Pi Day Eclipse" = 666 (Latin)

Jordan was a span of 22666 days (or 62 years, 2 weeks, 6 days old when his banners got cooked:

Jordan = 62 and 26

He was also a span of exactly 3,238 weeks old:

Michael Jordan and United Center both = 238, Six hundred sixty six = 2038

666 is the number of The Beast.

"The Beast" = 521 (Standard)

Draiman was 52 years, 1 day of age for the Pi Day Eclipse:

"Chicago Bulls championship banners" = 521 (Reverse)

In the King James Version, this number is spelled out as Six hundred threescore and six.

"Six hundred threescore and six" = 313 (Ordinal)

Draiman was born on March 13th, written 3/13 or 13/3:

Draiman was born on 13/3, which was 10 years, 3 weeks, 3 days after Jordan:

More Notes

Jordan was 13,533 days old when The Sickness came out:

"Lunar eclipse" = 533 (Latin)

The Sickness was released on March 7th or 3/7, while this concert was on March 8th or 3/8.

The Pi Day Eclipse was 300 months, 7 days (or a span of 300 months, 8 days after The Sickness:

Israel and Chicago both = 37 Single Reduction

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