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Israel and Hamas Agree to Ceasefire and Hostage Exchange

Israel-Hamas cease-fire, hostage release deal reached: 'Americans will be part of that'

The Cease-fire was announced on January 15th, or 1/15.

"Cease fire" = 115 (Fibonacci)

Today’s news is connected to the recent death of U.S. President Jimmy Carter, who died on December 29th. That’s the same date back in 2022 that Benjamin Netanyahu became the Prime Minister of Israel for the second time.

“Coincidentally,” Jimmy Carter was associated with another major hostage situation – the Iranian hostage crisis, which ended the same day Carter left office. It appears to be undetermined whether or not his departure from the Oval Office had anything to do with this, but the timing suggests it did.

Jimmy Carter and Iranian hostage crisis both = 322 Reverse

Below, you will see how this is connected to Yale’s Skull and Bones society. The Israel-Hamas conflict began just two days before Yale turned 322 years old in 2023. The numbers 223 and 322 are the first to have Ordinal gematria of 314.

Two hundred and twenty three and Three hundred and twenty two both = 314 Ordinal

In March of this year, a Total Lunar Eclipse falls on Pi Day, or 3/14.

Netanyahu was 30 years, 14 days old when the 1979 crisis began:

Today is 3 months, 14 days after Carter’s birthday:

The war started after Hamas launched an attack on Israel on October 7th, or 10/07.

"Pi Day Lunar Eclipse" = 1007 (Latin)

The Israel-Hamas War began on 10/07, 1 year, 5 months, 8 days (or 1 year, 158 days) before the Pi Day Lunar Eclipse:

"Israel Hamas" = 158 (Capitals Added)

The ceasefire was reached 58 days before the Pi Day Eclipse:

Israel-Hamas War has matching 58 gematria with the President of the Jewish state, Isaac Herzog.

"Israel Hamas War" = 58 (Reduction)

"Isaac Herzog" = 58 (Reduction)

Six six six (666)

"Iran hostage crisis" = 666 (Fibonacci)

2÷3 = 0.666

The Iran hostage crisis began a span of 2366 weeks, 6 days before the Pi Day Eclipse:

"Pi Day Eclipse" = 666 (Latin)

Mathematics of the circle and Mathematical perfection both = 666 Latin

"Peace on Earth" = 666 (Sumerian)

It’s been 16066 days since the end of the Iranian hostage crisis:

Today’s news falls a span of 467 days after Oct. 7th:

It’s been 106 weeks, 6 days since Netanyahu took office:

This is also connected to Armistice Day, which marked the end of World War I.

It’s been a span of 106 years, 66 days after WW1 ended in 1918:

"Israel Hamas" = 106 (Ordinal)

Jan. 15th falls 106 days after Carter’s birthday:

Jimmy Carter was 99 years, 6 days (or 36166 days) old for Oct. 7th:

He would have been a span of 36690 days old for the ceasefire:

6+6+6 = 18

It’s the 18th day since Jimmy Carter died:

It’s been 6 days since his funeral

"Six hundred sixty six" = 2038 (Latin)

Jimmy Carter was 23080 days old when Hamas was founded:

Jimmy Carter = 135 and it’s been 135 days since the anniversary of the end of World War II.

666 is revealed as the number of the Beast in the 229th verse of Revelation. The deal was reached 229 days after the ceasefire was drafted.

Hamas attacked Israel 15600 days after the Iranian hostage crisis ended:

666 is the 36th Triangular number

Jan. 15th fell 36 days after the anniversary of Hamas, and exactly 1936 weeks after its founding:

It’s been 3006 weeks since the start of the Six-Day War:

Skull and Bones / The Moon

"Brotherhood of Death" = 666 (Base Sum)

The Brotherhood of Death and Number of the Beast both = 724 Latin

The “mastermind” of the Oct. 7th attacks was Yahya Sinwar, who was killed in October of last year. See my post on that if you missed it.

Sinwar would have been 22,724 days of age:

The Pi Day Eclipse happens 2 years, 75 days after Bibi took office:

"Six hundred sixty six" = 275 (Ordinal)

The ceasefire was called 2705 days after the first Great American Eclipse and a span of 283 days after the second:

Six hundred and sixty six = 2083, The Moon and Total solar eclipse both = 283

Hamas attacked Israel on Netanyahu’s 283rd day in office:

283 is the 61st Prime number

The Israel-Hamas ceasefire was reached on a date with Primary numerology of 61:(1) + (15) + (20) + (25) = 61

"Israel Hamas" = 61 (Single Reduction)

"Pi Day Eclipse" = 61 (Reduction)

Skull and Crossbones = 61 and 223

Today is 2 years, 2 months, 3 days after Bibi became PM:

U.S. VP Kamala Harris is a span of 22003 days of age:

The Moon has a Hebrew value of 223 in Standard Gematria:

Eclipses from the same Saros series occur once every 223 Lunar phases.

223 is the 48th Prime number
Israel was founded in ’48

Israeli President Isaac Herzog was born during Brown Lunation # 467:

Today’s news falls a span of 467 days after Oct. 7th:

467 is the 91st Prime number

"Benjamin Bibi Netanyahu" = 91 (Reduction)

The agreement was reached 91 days after Yahya Sinwar was killed:

Other Yale Connections

"Joe Biden" = 37 (Reduction)

President Joe Biden is currently 30007 days old:

The hostages were freed a span of 37 years, 37 years after Hamas was formed and 98 days after Yale’s anniversary:

Israel = 37 and 98

Yale was founded in 1701:

America’s Ambassador to Israel is Jack Lew.

Lew joined the State Dept. 1 year, 71 days (or exactly 16 Lunar orbits) before the ceasefire:

In Reduction, Two hundred twenty three and Three hundred twenty two both = 106, Yale = 16

"United States Ambassador to Israel" = 106 (Reduction)

"Israel Hamas" = 106 (Ordinal)

"Pi" = 16 (Reduction)

Pi is 3.14

More Notes

In yesterday’s post, I explained the relationship between the numbers 1871 and 286.

The ceasefire fell 18710 days since the end of the Yom Kippur War:

1871 is the 286th Prime number

Jan. 15th was a span of 28006 days after Israel was founded:

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