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Fatal Motorcycle Crash on John Wayne Parkway (Feb. 2024)

Motorcyclist dies running from cops on JWP For the first time, we hear the chasing officer's own words: "No breathing, faint pulse and a broken neck."

Why did this story catch my eye?

Last week, I made a few posts explaining the connections between John Wayne Bobbitt to Hurricane Milton. During my research, I checked some numbers on famous actor John Wayne but decided to grasp at the straws I already had.

This video of this crash that occurred back in February was released on October 8th, just one day before Hurricane Milton made landfall along Florida’s gulf coast. Notice how the article makes mention of where his occurred – on John Wayne Parkway. Not only that, but the photo in the article shows John Wayne Pkwy in clear view:

I used to see stuff like this and think – “Are there numerical connections here to John Wayne?” Nowadays, I tend to think – “Just how ridiculous are the numerical connections to John Wayne?” Once again, I was not disappointed in my quest.

This is another example of how numerology manifests naturally and organically, as it feels like a stretch to suggest this was anything other than a terribly tragic accident. Although he was running from lawful police orders, it’s not a decision that should cost you your life. Hopefully this deters others from tempting the same fate, because accidents can happen no matter how experienced you are on the bike.

Sherman Helmsley

Check out Demetrius’s obituary. Apparently, as a child, he earned the favor of actor Sherman Helmsley at an autograph session at a Burger King. Rather intriguingly, Helmsley was born on February 1st – the same date that Demetrius would later die on.

"Demetrius Anthony Catus" = 86 (Reduction)

Demetrius died exactly 86 years after Sherman Helmsley was born:

Catus died 8 months, 6 days after Morrison’s birthday:

John Wayne would have been 86 years old when Catus was born:

The Duke

The man’s name was Demetrius Anthony Catus. John Wayne’s real name was Marion Morrison.

"Demetrius Anthony Catus" = 1556 (Latin) and "Marion Morrison" = 1556 (Fibonacci)

Footage of the incident was released 16556 days after John Wayne died:

John Wayne, whose nickname was The Duke, died on a date with Primary numerology of 115:(6) + (11) + (19) + (79) = 115

John Wayne and The Duke both = 115

Catus crashed 115 days before John Wayne’s birthday:

Killing = 115 Reverse and 115 Latin

Catus died on a date with Primary numerology of 47:(2) + (1) + (20) + (24) = 47

The 47th Prime number is 211

Ritual human sacrifice = 911 Satanic and 211 Ordinal

Demetrius was Running from the police.

"Running from the police" = 116 (Reduction)

Marion Robert Morrison died on June 6th, written as 11/6 or 6/11:

"Marion Robert Morrison" = 116 (Reduction)

"Blood sacrifice" = 611 (Satanic)

John Wayne died a span of 11 months, 16 days before his birthday:

John Wayne would have been 116 years old when Demetrius Catus died, which was also a span of 116 days before John’s next birthday:

Footage of the crash made news 119 days after the anniversary of Wayne’s death, and 116 days before the anniversary of Catus’s:

“Sacrifice” Coding

Demetrius was born on February 6th, or 2/06.

"Sacrifice" = 206 (Latin)

It truly seems like they paid very close attention to the date they show people what happened, doesn’t it?

Police released the video a span of 251 days after the crash:

"Ritual sacrifice" = 251 (Reverse)

Catus’s crash was 251 days after John Wayne’s birthday and 235 days after the anniversary of his death:

Running from the cops = 235 and 251

"Demetrius Anthony Catus" = 86 (Reduction)

Human sacrifice and Blood sacrifice both = 86

Demetrius Anthony Catus was born a span of 86 years, 257 days after John Wayne:

Demetrius and Motorcycle both = 257

Blood sacrifice = 121 and 257

The footage was published 121 days before Demetrius’s birthday:

February 1st is the 32nd day of the year:

The 32nd Prime number is 131

Demetrius passed away 131 days before June 11th:

"Ritual human sacrifice" = 131 (Reverse Reduction)


If the release of this footage is synced to Hurricane Milton, then it would stand to reason that 14 – the number of pieces Osiris was cut into by his brother Set – would be relevant.

Wayne’s and Helmsley’s dates of death are 43 days apart:

John Wayne passed away on a date with a Life Lesson number of 43:(6) + (11) + 1+9+7+9 = 43

"John Wayne" = 43 (Reduction)

43 is the 14th Prime number

Demetrius Anthony Catus = 104, Demetrius and Maricopa both = 140

Demetrius was born 14 years after Marion Morrison died:

John Wayne was born 1040 before Catus was born and 1400 months before he died:

It’s now been 1040 months since Sherman Helmsley was born:

Sherman Helmsley had birth numerology of 14:2 + 1 + 3+8 = 14


JWP = 14 and 1560

John Wayne Parkway

Sherman Helmsley died a span of 105 years, 60 days after John Wayne was born:

The 156th Prime number is 911

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