Pete Rose and the Death of Geoff ‘iNcontroL’ Robinson

Thumbnail from Tasteless’s tasteful tribute
After doing an entire video on the death of Pete Rose and how it’s synced up to the 119 / 911 code, just like sports gambling, I then learned that Rose broke Ty Cobb’s all-time Hits record in Cincinnati, OH on the date 9/11 in 1985.
9/11/1985 is a date I’ve had in my mind for quite some time. Back in 2019, beloved Starcraft commentator Geoff ‘iNcontroL’ Robinson suddenly passed away at the age of just 33 from a pulmonary embolism, following a life of various medical complications. I never did a post on his passing, but I made a permanent mental note that he was born on 9/11/1985.
These are of course major Jesus numbers, starting with the year 1985.
September 11th, or 9/11, is the date that many Christians believe Jesus was born:
Many of those same Christians think he was crucified in the year 33 A.D., possibly even at age 33:
The 33rd Prime number is 137
911 is the 156th Prime number
Eric Show
Jesus is Love.
Less than a decade later, Show passed away from a drug overdose on March 16th, or 3/16:
Eric Vaughn Show = 74 played for San Diego = 74. Jesus = 74 and Jesus Christ = 74.
Ron Robinson
After Pete Rose’s record-breaking hit landed in the outfield, he aggressively rounded first base like always. The camera cut to him, which revealed the number 33 on the outfield wall:
Pete had a Life Lesson number of 33:
The announcer immediately says that Rose has Eclipsed Ty Cobb with hit # 4,192.
The second time after this that the camera cuts back to Rose, a player named Robinson wearing #33 is blocking him from the shot:
A man named Robinson wearing #33 on 9/11/1985? Geoff ‘iNcontroL’ Robinson was born on 9/11/1985 in Spokane, WA and died at age 33.
The Brown Lunation? In the third camera shot back to Rose, a player named Brown steps into the shot:
The name Rose is a Supermatch with Moon, including the number 57, the number of degrees of declination in its orbit.
Ted Power
When most people think of Starcraft players, they probably think of someone either too skinny or too fat sitting behind their computer. Geoff was neither of those – dude was jacked, capable at one point of benching 500 pounds:
One might say that Geoff was a Power lifter. The first camera cut to Rose after his historic hit shows #48, a player named Ted Power entering the shot and giving Pete a pat-and-rub on the shoulder:
Rose made his MLB debut on 4/8
The 48th Prime number is 223
iNcontroL passed away on July 20th, or 7/20:
7/20 is the date of the first-ever manned Moon landing (if you believe):
It’s worth noting that some sources list Geoff’s passing as July 21st. While the Moon landing occurred on July 20th, no one actually set foot on the lunar surface until July 21st, or 7/21.
Back in 2021, I made this post on Ken Jennings’ Jeopardy! winning streak, which was ended by a woman named Nancy Zerg. The Zerg are of the three playable races in Starcraft.
Geoff Robinson was 7020 days (or 7021 days w/ end date) old when the Zerg knocked off Jennings, and he died 7 months, 20 days after the anniversary of that episode’s airing:
Ken Jennings was born in Edmonds, Washington. This connected him to former Major League centerfielder Jim Edmonds, who has some intriguing syncs with Pete Rose, who was 10666 days younger than him, and banned by the Commissioner when Jim was 6999 days (or 999 weeks, 6 days) of age:
Ted Power was born on a date with Primary numerology of 106:
Starcraft was first released on 31/3
313 is the 65th Prime number
Tommy Helms
As the applause in the stadium continued, Pete Rose then shared a special moment with bench coach and former roommate Tommy Helms, which caused him to finally tear up:
Notice how Tommy Helms, who was born on 5/5, wears #19. There are 19 years in the Metonic cycle, the most significant cycle of the Moon along with the Saros.
19 years is equivalent to 235 Lunar phases
235 Lunar phases is equivalent to 254 Sidereal months
Skull and Bones
Skull and Bones is headquartered at Yale University, which turned 322 years old in 2023:
Both Pete and Rose are 4-letter names. Same for Eric and Show.
More Notes
In Reverse, Starcraft sums to 137.