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Merseyside Stabbing Spree Kills 3 Children

Violent protest breaks out in UK after vigil over stabbing spree: Police

This is Part 1 of a two-part post:

What a mess.

Citizens all over the world have increasingly caught on to the New World Order’s tactic of importing large, unfiltered groups of foreigners other countries in order to destabilize the social and political fabric of powerful nations. Although we were taught to value our citizenship growing up, as our ancestors went through tremendous effort and suffering to legally immigrate, those of us who oppose the recent unfettered wave of immigration are now portrayed as “racist” or “xenophobic,” despite the fact that all we’re asking is for existing law be enforced as it always has been.

I can’t think of anyone I know who’s against immigration. It stands to reason, as almost everyone I know is the descendant of an immigrant. But the notion that we should allow anyone who wants to enter the country the privilege of doing so while footing their bill is quite ridiculous. There are enough Americans who already contribute nothing and sap our resources…while legal immigrants don’t typically share these qualities, the same cannot be said for their illegal counterparts, many of whom don’t seem to care how they get ahead, or whom they step over while doing so.

With these policies, it’s understandable why people may lash out when they learn that an immigrant has murdered children in their country. This does not appear to be the case here, as the son of immigrants is the suspect. It was only after riots began that this fact was disclosed, however, so it did little to eliminate the sentiment of the “far-right,” which is often a term that can be used interchangeably with “people who give a shit.”

So now, the media has somehow framed an awful, disgusting attack on young children as a failure of the right. And yes, while it’s a terrible thing to riot and destroy stuff, one can understand where this rage comes from. Of course, there’s the added element of who started these riots, as we’ve seen very suspicious activity in this regard – particularly here in the States, with billionaire entities like George Soros funding social activism to breed chaos.

The man arrested for this slaughter was Axel Rudakubana, who was diagnosed with autism. This opens up another can of worms, as those of us with a brain are forced to ask “where the hell did all this autism come from?” But if you question the most obvious source of this, you will be labeled “crazy,” “anti-vaxx,” or “anti-science.”

The idea that anyone could stab a group of young girls like this is literally incomprehensible. It’s not really human. This was apparently the situation at Sandy Hook Elementary as well, when a kid who had Asperger’s reportedly shot and killed over 20 children in cold blood. Regardless of what you believe (or know) about that shooting, even the official narrative should make you question what’s happening to our kids and why some of them have turned into demons.

My point with all of these paragraphs is that there are dozens of issues we should be talking about in light of a tragedy like this, and rather than focusing on any of them, the mainstream media points fingers at those who have figured their game out. Naturally.

So often, the question I see the most is “Is this even real? Did it even really happen?” After all these years, it’s hard to even care whether or not an event on the news is real. To call everything fake is unreasonably dismissive of the fact that evil does exist in this world, and whether the terror is staged or not, it will happen by the numbers.

Given all the recent political turmoil that has played out in the UK recently, I am proceeding as if there is indeed more to this story than some lone nutcase. And upon reviewing the numerology, it seems as if we are looking at another classic false flag (a.k.a. government by fear)…but if you want to convince me that this is just an immense synchronicity from the Earth Matrix we live in, I’d at least listen.

The first victim listed in most articles was named Bebe King. This name of course reminds us of legendary Blues guitarist B.B. King. The attack happened in the United Kingdom, which is ruled by a King.

Bebe King = 80 and 44

The incident occurred on a date with Primary numerology of 80 and 44:(7) + (29) + (20) + (24) = 80 and (7) + (29) + 2+0+2+4 = 44

"Southport" = 44 (Reduction)

"Kill" = 44 (Ordinal)

Earlier in July, Labour Party candidate Keir Starmer was appointed as Britain’s new Prime Minister.

Keir Starmer became the Prime Minister exactly 44 weeks after his birthday:

"Keir Starmer" = 440 (Primes)

In ancient Hebrew, Kill sums to both Nineteen and 244, syncing up with the perpetrator’s full name.

Kill = 19 and 244 Hebrew. Nineteen = 244 Latin

"Axel Muganwa Rudakubana" = 2044 (Latin)

Skull and Bones / 666

44 is a number loosely-connected to the Skull and Bones secret society.

Forty four and Skull and Bones secret society both = 1512 and 99

Southport Merseyside United Kingdom, Stabbing, and Rudakubana all = 444

Skull and Crossbones, Skull and Crossbones Three twenty two, and Skull and Bones Three hundred twenty two all = 444

The stabber’s full name sums to 216 in three methods, which syncs up with the date’s Multiplicative numerology:7 × 2 × 9 × 2 × 2 × 4 = 2016

Axel Muganwa Rudakubana = 216, 216, and 2106

216 is 6×6×6

The senseless mass murder of children stokes memories of the 2012 Sandy Hook shooting, which is believed to have occurred in Connecticut. The state of Connecticut is also home to Yale University. the headquarters of Skull and Bones, or The Brotherhood of Death.

The Brotherhood of Death and Number of the Beast both = 724 Latin

"Brotherhood of Death" = 666 (Base Sum)

B.B. King died exactly 66 years, 6 months after King Charles was born:

Rudakubana was 6566 days old for his act:

Many people believe the true number of the beast is actually 616.

Axel was 6116 days old for Charles’ coronation:

Last October, Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut celebrated an extremely special anniversary:

"New Haven Connecticut" = 294 (Reverse)

Six hundred and sixty-six has matching Ordinal gematria with Six hundred threescore & six.

Six hundred and sixty six and Six hundred threescore & six both = 294 Ordinal

Southport Merseyside United Kingdom = 2904 Standard

The attack in Southport was 294 days (or 295 w/ end date) after Yale turned 322:

Two hundred twenty three, Three hundred twenty two, Skull and Bones society, and Skull And Bones all = 295

The event triggered a response from singer Taylor Swift, because the yoga/dance class was set to her music.

B.B. King would have been in his 1187th month, while Taylor Swift was in her 1807th week:

"Brotherhood of Death" = 187 (Ordinal)

Thirty-three (33)

The number 33 is essentially shorthand for 666.

The spree was exactly 3 months, 3 weeks after the Great American Eclipse:

"Eclipse" = 33 (Reduction)

Keir Starmer was in office for 3 weeks, 3 days when the Stabbing spree happened:

The 33rd Prime number is 137

Keir Starmer, Stabbing spree, and Massacre all = 137

611 / 911

The mass stabbing at the Hart Space was hosting a dance class for children aged 6-11 years old.

Recall how a couple weeks earlier, Thomas Crooks opened fire on Donald Trump in an Attempted Assassination at 6:11 pm

In Latin, Assassination = 611 and Attempted assassination = 1016

"Brotherhood of Death" = 611 (Latin)

B.B. King would have been 36111 days old, and Keir Starmer was 22,611 days old:

"Blood sacrifice" = 611 (Satanic)

The attack was a span of exactly 9 years, 11 weeks (or 110 months, 16 days) after the death of B.B. King:

Yale was originally founded by the Connecticut Colony.

Connecticut Colony = 1116 Latin and 211 Ordinal

It all went down on the 211th day of a leap year:

Ritual human sacrifice = 211 Ordinal and Stabbing spree = 211 English Qaballa

223 / 322

"Southport England" = 223 (Reverse)

The attack in Southport was 294 days (or 295 w/ end date) after Yale turned 322:

As shown above, Yale University, home to the Skull and Crossbones223 (Order 322) turned 322 years old in 2023.

The spree was exactly 22 months, 3 weeks after the Queen died and 2 months, 23 days after the anniversary of Charles’ coronation:

It was also a span of 32002 days after Pope Francis was born:

Rudakubana was 3202 days old when B.B. King passed away:

B.B. King would have been in his 1,223rd Lunar phase, while Axel Rudakubana was in his 223rd Lunation:

More Notes

"Pi Day Eclipse" = 666 (Latin)

The killings fell 7 months, 14 days before the Pi Day Eclipse:

Guitarist = 119 and 714 Reverse

Axel was born exactly 714 Lunar phases after King Charles:

Blues guitar = 714 and 135

Keir Starmer was born 13500 days after B.B. King:

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