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Cause of Sean Burroughs’ Death Revealed

Ex-MLB infielder Sean Burroughs' cause of death revealed Burroughs was Little League World Series champion, Olympic gold medalist and MLB veteran

"Sean Burroughs" = 168 (Ordinal)

Sean Burroughs would be 16008 days old today:

"The Tower" = 1068 (Standard)

In May, I made this post on the numerology of Burroughs’ death and how it connects to The Tower:Little League World Series hero, Olympic gold medalist Sean Burroughs 'tragically passed away' at 43 Burroughs collapsed shortly after dropping his son off for a Little League game

Burroughs’ Cause of death was revealed 63 days after he died:

"Cause of death" = 63 (Reverse Reduction)

Today is also 63 days before his next birthday:

"Major League Baseball" = 63 (Reduction) and "Major League" = 63 (Reverse Reduction)

In my most recent post on the death of the actress from The Shining, I talk about a major riddle connected to the Moon landing and Stanley Kubrick.

"Stanley Kubrick" = 63 (Single Reduction)

The 63rd Prime number is 307
Freemasonry just turned 307 years old

Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite and Freemason both = 307

Burroughs died 307 days after Duvall’s birthday:

The actress from the film who died earlier today was Shelley Duvall.

The former Twins player was born 11390 days after Shelley Duvall:

"Twins" = 1139 (Latin)

Burroughs finished his career as a Minnesota Twin. He died while dropping his child off at a Little League game. In The Shining, the young murdered Grady Twins make a haunting appearance:

The Shining was released on May 23rd, or 5/23:

Sean Burroughs overdosed at 523 months of age:

The Shining and Overdose both = 49

Shelley Duvall was born in ’49
49 is 7 × 7
Shelley Duvall was born on 7/7/49

"Seventy seven" = 49 (Reduction)


Burroughs playing for the Twins stands out because my original post on Sean Burroughs has a full section on The Tower, as his birthday was just one day after September 11th. The Twin Towers came down on 11/9/01.

His cause of death made the news 1191 weeks after 11/9/01:

"Fentanyl" = 119 (Reverse)

"Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry" = 1911 (Latin)

The 9/11/01 attacks fell 191 months, 10 days before the first Great American Eclipse:

Shelley Duvall was 1611 weeks old when The Shining was released:

"Shelley Duvall" = 210 (Capitals Added)

The terror attacks of 2001 happened a span of exactly 21 years after Sean was born:

Today is an off day for The Minnesota Twins, having just played their 93rd game of the season.

Sean Patrick Burroughs, The Minnesota Twins, and Shelley Alexis Duvall all = 93

Minnesota is the Land of 93. Burroughs won the ’93 Little League World Series.

Burroughs has Latin gematria of 717.

"Burroughs" = 717 (Latin)

7 × 17 = 119

Sean Patrick Burroughs = 1116 Latin and 1506 Standard

911 is the 156th Prime number

Shelley Duvall died exactly 119 months (or 9 years, 11 days) after Robin Williams:

"Robin Williams" = 156 (Ordinal)

Williams’ death marked the start of the 156th month since the 9/11 attacks:

Masonic Eclipse Code

156 is the Ordinal value of the number Thirty-three.

"Thirty three" = 156 (Ordinal)

Eclipse = 156 Hebrew Standard, Eclipse the Sun = 156 English Ordinal

G = 33 (Capitals Added), "Masonry" = 33 (Reduction)

Sean Burroughs was exactly 3 years, 3 weeks old when The Shining hit theaters:

Today is 303 days after Sean’s birthday:

"Eclipse" = 33 (Reduction)

It’s been a span of exactly 33 years after the Middle Eclipse of Saros # 136:

It’s also 3 months, 3 days after this year’s Total Eclipse:

That was the second of two Twin Eclipses over the United States.

Today is also a span of exactly 82 years, 3 weeks after the first Twin Eclipse:

"The Minnesota Twins" = 823 (Satanic)

"Accident" = 59 (Ordinal)

Freemasonry = 59, 58, and 130

Burroughs died  of an Accident on 5/9, which had Primary numerology of 58 and was the 130th day of a leap year:(5) + (9) + (20) + (24) = 58

Twin Towers = 59 and 58

Shelly Duvall died exactly 590 Sidereal months after The Shining was released:

Shelley Duvall and The Shining both = 59

Rob Manfred

Recently, I showed how MLB Commissioner Rob Manfred is synced to the Tower code. See my post on the opening of Trump Tower for more. So I figured, there must be a chance he’s synced up with this riddle…?

Sean Burroughs was born on September 12th, or 9/12:

Rob Manfred was born a span of exactly 9 years, 12 months (or 9 years, 84 days) after Shelley Duvall:

"Overdose" = 984 (Latin)

Rob Manfred was born 9 years, 11 weeks, 6 days (or 3370 days) after Shelley Duvall:

World Trade Center = 1337 and 2337

"The World Trade Center" = 322 (Capitals Added)

(9) + (28) + (19) + (58) = 114

Sean Burroughs was 8021 days younger than Rob Manfred:

"Freemasonry" = 787 (Latin)

Manfred was 787 months, 11 days old and 7 months, 11 days after his birthday when Sean Burroughs died:

Sep. 11th on the Roman calendar was 7/11
The 911th Prime number is 7109

Her death fell a span of 7110 days (or 7109 w/out end date) after Johnny Carson’s:

"Freemasonry" = 719 (Fibonacci)

7109 is the 911th Prime number

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