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Minnesota Vikings Rookie Khyree Jackson Dies in Car Crash

Minnesota Vikings rookie Khyree Jackson and 2 former Maryland high school teammates killed in 3-car crash

This is Part Four of a five-part series on a significant John Madden riddle in the world of racing and pro wrestling from this past weekend.

Jackson’s crash was a span of 88 years, 88 days after John Madden was born:

John Madden = 88, John Earl Madden = 888, Las Vegas Raiders = 88

Jackson died a span of 117,880 days after Yale was founded:

The crash was in his home state of Maryland.

"Maryland" = 88 (Ordinal)

Skull and Bones

Khyree died on July 6th, or 7/6

Khyree Jackson was born one day after John Madden turned 760 months old:

"Skull and Bones" = 76 (Reverse Reduction)

Madden would have also been a span of 32230 days old when Khyree was killed:

Yale, home to the Skull and Crossbones = 223 (Order 322), turned 322 years old in 2023:

"Khyree" = 828 (Standard)

The Cornerback died a span of 8 months, 28 days after Yale’s anniversary and 90 days after the Total eclipse:

Cornerback, Khyree, Yale Skull and Bones society, and One hundred forty five all = 90

The 90th Prime number is 463

"Total eclipse" = 463 (Latin)

Madden was born in the city of Austin, Minnesota:

On the episode of SmackDown that aired just before Khyree was killed, Austin Theory lost the WWE Tag Team Championship.

Khyree Jackson died exactly 308 Lunar phases after he was born and 30 months, 8 days after Madden died:

"Minnesota" = 38 (Reduction)

Jackson was recently drafted by the Minnesota Vikings. Minnesota is the home state of NFL legend John Madden, who died in 2021:

9097 has Latin gematria of 2021.

"Nine thousand ninety seven" = 2021 (Latin)

Khyree Jackson was a span of 9097 days old:

William Huntington Russell lived to be 909 months, 7 days old:

"The Jacksons" = 997 (Latin)

ABC (123)

Khyree shared a last name with pop star Michael Jackson. ABC (123) was a #1 hit by the Jackson 5, who later became The Jacksons:

Khyree was born 123 days after Madden’s birthday:

"Minnesota Vikings" = 1230 (Latin)

Khyree was born 123 months after Shane van Gisbergen:

"van Gisbergen" = 123 (Ordinal)

This connects us back to F1’s British 1-2-3 at their home Grand Prix:Russell takes pole in British 1-2-3 at Silverstone

The 2017 Eclipse was on the date leaving 132 days in the year:

"Khyree Jackson" = 1302 (Latin), "Michael Joseph Jackson" = 1320 (Fibonacci), and "The Jacksons" = 1032 (Reverse Sumerian)

Khyree Jackson died 6 years, 321 days after the 2017 Eclipse:

Khyree Jackson was 122 Lunations, 3 days (or exactly 132 Lunar orbits) old when Michael Jackson died:

Khyree died 312 days after Michael’s birthday:

Minnesota Vikings and Jackson both = 231

"One hundred and forty five" = 1023 (Satanic)

Solar Saros 145

9097 also has gematria of 118.

"Nine thousand ninety seven" = 118 (Reverse Reduction)

Khyree Jackson was born on the 11th of August, or 11/8:

That was a date with Standard numerology of 118:(8) + (11) + (99) = 118

We Are Family and George William Russell both = 118

Death and Homicide both = 118 Latin

ABC (123) was the #1 song for the week of April 25th, 1970, which had Primary numerology of 118:(4) + (25) + (19) + (70) = 118

"Romania" = 118 (Reverse)

In 1999, Romania was the point of Greatest Eclipse for that year’s Total Solar Eclipse:

One hundred and forty five = 118 and 2107

Khyree Jackson was born on the same date as the 1999 Total Solar Eclipse over Europe (Saros # 145):

"Khyree Jackson" = 145 (Ordinal)

Saros # 145 also produced the first Great American Eclipse of 2017:

"Chicago Illinois" = 145 (Ordinal)

Excluding and145 has Reduction gematria of 108:"One hundred forty five" = 108 (Reduction)

Jackson was the 108th pick of this year’s NFL Draft:

This is a number integral to the Geometry of a Full Moon:

More Notes

Upper Marlboro Maryland and Khyree Jackson both = 258

Jackson died exactly 25 Lunar years, 8 months after he was born:

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