The 2021 Building Collapse in Surfside, Florida
I did a couple of posts on this when it happened, but that was before I understood the significance of The Tower riddles.
Also see my posts from last month, which discussed the 1983 opening of Trump Tower and how it was synced to the Don’s criminal conviction.
The name of the building that collapsed in Surfside, Florida was Champlain Towers South.
In Standard English gematria, Surfside sums to 614.
The date 6/14, or June 14th, is the birthday of Donald Trump:
Trump’s primary residence is at Mar-a-Lago, which is also in Florida.
Donald Trump
Following the collapse, a new condo high-rise was erected at the same site called Ocean88 Condominiums.
The town of Surfside was founded on the 18th of May, or 18/5, which is the 138th day of the year:
The Building collapse happened on a date with Primary numerology of 71:
The collapse was on the 175th day of the year, which left 190 days on the calendar:
The Tower / 911
The Tower has matching 168 gematria with Champlain Towers South.
The 156th Prime number is 911

The 227th Prime number is 1433
Trump Tower
Trump Tower is located at 721 Fifth Avenue:
Trump Tower’s grand opening for its shops was on February 14th, or 2/14:
Check out the immense matches between all variations of Tim McVeigh‘s name and Champlain Towers South.
Surfside, Florida also matches Tim McVeigh.
Trump Campaign
Trump Tower is where Donald Trump announced his presidential campaign in June of 2015:
Trump was a span of 25205 days old on that same date, and the Surfside collapse was exactly 25 Mercurial years later:
Surfside is on the 25th parallel
It collapsed at 1:22 a.m.
The address of the collapsed building was 8777 Collins Avenue:
The Tower is the 16th card of the Tarot. Notice how Assassination sums to 160. The value sof 960 and 611 also seem relevant.
The collapse was 1832 days after an assassination attempt on Trump in June of 2018. 1832 is the year the Skull and Bones society was formed. The attempt even happened in Las Vegas, which is a city massively-connected to the Brotherhood of Death.