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Justin Timberlake Arrested for DWI on Long Island

Justin Timberlake insisted he only had 'one martini,' refused breathalyzer test before DWI arrest

This news comes to us out of The Hamptons.

"The Hamptons" = 139 (Ordinal)

Justin got arrested 139 days after his birthday:

"Justin" = 1039 (Latin)

The NSYNC star known as JT was scooped on a date with Reduced numerology of 21:6 + 1+8 + 2+4 = 21

Justin and NSYNC both = 21 Reduction

JT and The Hamptons both = 210

Timberlake was arrested on June 18th, which is 227 days before his birthday:

"June eighteenth" = 227 (Reverse)

June 18th is written as 6/18. Justin’s debut solo album was called Justified.

"Justified" = 618 (Sumerian)

Timberlake is 43 years old
The 43rd Prime number is 191

Timberlake and The Hamptons both = 191 Caps

Justin Timberlake was born on 1/31

"Justin Timberlake" = 1301 (Latin)

He was born 1 years, 31 days (or a span of 1 year, 32 days) before his wife Jessica Biel:

Driving while intoxicated and Hamptons both = 132

Thirty-three (33)

Justin claimed he only had One martini.

One martini and Justin both = 364 and 303

It’s been 3 months, 3 days since Justin’s last album was released. It’s also 3 weeks, 3 days after the anniversary of NSYNC, his group’s debut album.

"Thirty three" = 156 (Ordinal)

Justin Randall Timberlake = 1506 Sumerian and 1056 Satanic

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