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Looking Ahead to the Spanish Grand Prix (June 23rd)

Last week, I made this series of posts on Formula One’s Austrian Grand Prix that takes place on June 30th. In the third post of that block, I talked about Lewis Hamilton and his fascinating connections to Max Verstappen.

However, in looking at the numbers for next weekend’s race in Spain, I couldn’t help but notice another remarkable riddle. Now, what this all means, I can’t really say for sure, as it’s not if all of my sports decodes from before the event foretold what will happen (although sometimes they definitely have). But there’s too much here for me to let it go.

This is Lewis Hamilton’s final season with Mercedes, with whom he has won six of his seven world championships, and next year, he will be moving to Ferrari. See my post on that switch, which spent some time focusing on a Skull and Bones riddle. Later, I made this post on the death of Chance Perdomo, which was synced to Lewis through the same numbers.

Mercedes appears to have turned the corner and become competitive, following George Russell’s pole position and third place finish in Canada. If Lewis can grab pole like his teammate just did, there’s actually a chance he could win, as overtaking in Spain is very difficult, particularly if the track remains dry. So even though it’s been well over two years since his last victory, and he’s been consistently slower than George, the story so far makes it feasible, despite Lewis being 25-to-1 to win the last I checked.

Of course, any time you associate the Skull and Bones code with someone, the natural concern would be that it’s pointing towards something very bad, as was the case with Jules Bianchi a decade ago. I certainly hope that’s not the case, and maybe in one of the many dimensions, exposing the spell before it’s conducted can remove its power.

Yale University

Lewis Carl Davidson Hamilton = 282, Lewis Hamilton = 1282

Lewis Hamilton was 12802 days old when Kobe Bryant died:

Kobe died on 1/26. Solar Saros 126 produces the next Total Solar Eclipse to begin Lunation # 1282.

"The Brotherhood of Death" = 2082 (Reverse Sumerian)

Yale, home to The Brotherhood of Death, was founded on the 282nd day of the year, or the 283rd day of leap years:

Yale was founded 283 years, 90 days before Hamilton was born:

The Moon = 90 Ordinal and 283 Latin

"Six hundred and sixty six" = 2083 (Latin)

The Brotherhood of Death and Number of the Beast both = 724 Latin

"Six hundred threescore and six" = 1610 (Latin)

The race at Catalunya will be 1610 days after Kobe’s crash:

Hamilton’s teammate for next season will be Charles Leclerc, who was born on 16/10:

Charles Leclerc was born 666 weeks (or 4,666 days) after Lewis Hamilton:

Leclerc was born one day after Kobe turned 999 weeks old:

"Six hundred and sixty six" = 3207 (Reverse Standard)

Charles Leclerc will be 320 months, 7 days old:

Recently, I made these posts discussing the June 11th conviction of Hunter Biden and its connection to Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, as well as the Skull and Bones code.

June 23rd will be exactly 1009 weeks after the death of Hunter S. Thompson and 109 days before Yale’s 323rd anniversary:

Hunter Stockton Thompson = 109 and 323

"Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" = 109 (Reduction)

The track in Barcelona opened on the 10th of September, or 10/9:

Yale was founded on the date written 10/9 or 10/09:

XVI = 1009 Latin and Standard

XVI are the Roman numerals for 16. The Tower is the Sixteenth card of the Tarot.

Lewis = 1024 Latin and Hamilton = 124 Reverse

"Sixteenth" = 124 (Ordinal)

“Skull and Bones”

Lewis’s first win was on the 10th of June, or 10/6.

"Yale" = 16 (Reduction)

"Lewis Hamilton" = 160 (Ordinal)

Lewis first appeared in F1 with McLaren 160 days after Yale’s anniversary and 205 days before its next:

Yale University = 205 and 2059

Yale University will be 259 days after its anniversary, and Hamilton will be a span of exactly 2059 weeks old:

"Yale University" = 2059 (Latin)

Lewis was born just one day before Johnny Depp turned a span of 259 months old. Hamilton258.

Hamilton’s first F1 race was 244 days after Hunter’s birthday:

Sir Lewis was 20 years, 44 days (or 1049 weeks) old when Thompson died:

In Ordinal, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas = 244 and Skull and Bones = 149

Hamilton was born 10 years, 225 days after the disappearance of Oscar Acosta and 13 years, 135 days before the film’s release:

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas = 1225 Standard and 1335 Latin

Lewis135 (Caps). Fear and Loathing135. Hunter S. Thompson1350. The film came out exactly 1350 weeks after the book was published in 1972. Oscar “Zeta” Acosta Fierro = 1305.

The Spanish Grand Prix will be run exactly 10043 weeks after the first day of 1832:

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas and Johnny Depp both = 143 Reverse

Hamilton’s first victory was exactly 120 weeks after Thompson = 120 died.

Oscar Zeta Acosta vanished on 5/27:

Skull & Bones = 527 Latin

Catalunya Circuit opened 15 years, 27 weeks before his F1 debut and 5752 days after his first win:

Skull and Bones = 572 and 752

Next week’s race in Barcelona is on 6/23

The 2024 Spanish Grand Prix falls 6223 days after his first win:

It will also be 1 year, 223 days after his teammate George Russell’s only win. Russell is ultra-connected to this riddle.

Lewis won his first GP 2 months, 23 days after his debut:

Nine Eleven (911)

The Spanish Grand Prix is 30 months, 18 days after his last F1 victory:

"Lewis Hamilton" = 318 (Capitals Mixed)

Hamilton made his F1 debut on 3/18 or 18/3

"Hamilton" = 183 (Capitals Mixed)

Lewis’s first race was 111560 days after Yale’s establishment:

Lewis has not won since the 1056th Grand Prix
The 156th Prime number is 911
Catalunya opened 119 days before Lewis’s birthday

The race will be held a span of 901 weeks, 1 day after Hamilton’s F1 debut:

"The World Trade Center" = 1590 (Latin) and "September eleventh" = 1590 (Reverse Sumerian)

Skull and Bones was 159 years old when Circuit de Barcelonya-Catalunya opened, and Lewis’s first win was exactly 15 years, 9 months later:


The GP in Barcelona falls a span of exactly 17 years, 2 weeks after his maiden win:

"Barcelona" = 172 (Reverse)

"FORMULA 1 ARAMCO GRAN PREMIO DE ESPANA 20 24" = 10072 (Reverse Squares)

Barcelona = 426 and 202, Yale = 426, Skull and Bones = 202

Barcelona Spain = 130 and 58, Skull & Bones = 130, Secret society = 58

"Lewis Hamilton" = 61 (Reduction)

Barcelona Catalunya and Skull and Crossbones both = 61 and 110

Spain76 like Skull and Bones76. The race falls 76 days after the Great American Eclipse, which was of course all synced up to Yale.

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