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Other Driver Alignments to Austrian Grand Prix

This is my third of three posts on this topic.

Lewis Hamilton

This post contains a decode showing how Lewis Hamilton is synced up with Skull and Bones. So does this one. Remember Max may be going for win number 61.

Lewis Hamilton and Skull and Crossbones both = 61

9/11 was a span of 119 days before Hamilton’s birthday:

The 1109th Grand Prix was a ritual connected to the small solar system body 2060 Chiron. The race was won by Charles Leclerc, who will be joined at Ferrari next year by world champion Lewis Hamilton, who has a total of 103 career wins. Lewis Hamilton = 1030 (Fibonacci), which is half of 2060.

Lewis Hamilton will be a span of exactly 2060 weeks (or 14420 days) old:

Verstappen was 206 weeks, 0 days (or 1442 days) on Sep. 11th, 2001:

Revelation 9:11 has Ordinal gematria of 1442: And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon = 1442 Ordinal

Terrorists attacked America on 9/11. The only current American driver is Logan Sargeant.

"Logan Sargeant" = 442 (Latin)

Logan Hunter Sargeant = 220, The Brotherhood of Death = 220 and 2082

The Brotherhood of Death is at Yale, which was founded on the 282nd day of the year, which is also 282 days after Logan’s birthday:Evans died 20082 days after One Life to Live debuted:

Logan will be exactly 282 months old:

Lewis Carl Davidson Hamilton = 282, Lewis Hamilton = 1282

George Russell

Hamilton’s teammate until next year is George William Russell, who began in F1 career as a standout for the Williams team. Check out this post for my decode explaining how he is connected to William Russell, a co-founder of Skull and Bones.

Russell has Primary birth numerology of 134:(2) + (15) + (19) + (98) = 134

George Russell was 1304 days old on 9/11:

"Verstappen" = 134 (Reverse)

"Solar eclipse" = 134 (Ordinal)

Fernando Alonso

George Russell will be 136 days after his birthday:

Or exactly 1376 weeks old

The other co-founder of Skull and Bones was a guy named Alphonso Taft. Another world champion on the current grid is Fernando Alonso.

Alonso was born on a date with Primary numerology of 136:(7) + (29) + (19) + (81) = 136

So was Verstappen:(9) + (30) + (97) = 136

"Verstappen" = 136 (Ordinal)

Alonso is Spanish. Max’s first victory was at the Spanish Grand Prix on the 136th day of a leap year:

Max’s teammate on Red Bull and Constructor’s co-champion is Sergio Perez.

Sergio Michel Perez Mendoza and Sergio Michel Checo Perez Mendoza both = 136

The Jesuits were founded three days before a Solar Eclipse from Saros # 136, which began on 13/6/1360 (western hemisphere).

"The Jesuits" = 136 (Ordinal)

The date of Max’s win in Spain was 5/15
Red Bull Ring opened on 5/15 in 2011

Alonso turns 515 months old one day before the race in Spielberg:

"Jesus" = 515 (Standard)

Alonso was exactly 269 Sidereal months old on 9/11 and Max will be exactly 26 years, 9 months old for the Austrian Grand Prix:

Fernando Alonso Diaz and Verstappen both = 991 and 271

Revelation sums to 844 in Standard Hebrew gematria:

Alonso is a span of exactly 844 weeks (or 16 years, 9 weeks) older than Verstappen:

Brotherhood = 169 and New Haven = 1699

June 30th falls 4,844 days after Perez’s F1 debut:

Sergio Perez

Sergio will be 22 weeks, 3 days (or 156 days) after his birthday:

The 156th Prime number is 119
1109 is the 186th Prime number

The Austrian GP is 186 weeks after Checo’s first win:

The 911th Prime number is 7109

Checo Perez = 719 and has matching 104, 166, and 59 gematria with Twin Towers

Max will be 1395 weeks old for the race, which falls 13 years, 95 days after Checo’s first race:

Carlos Sainz

Max’s first teammate in Formula One was Carlos Sainz Jr.

Carlos Sainz Jr = 165 and Carlos Sainz = 160

Carlos was 160 weeks, 5 days old when Max was born:

"Verstappen" = 160 (Reverse Caps Added)

The Spaniard was born on a date with Reduced numerology of 33:9 + 1 + 1+9+9+4 = 33

Verstappen was born a span of 3 years, 30 days after Carlos Sainz:

Crucifixion of Jesus Christ and Lord and Savior Jesus Christ both = 303 Ordinal

Carlos will be 303 days after his birthday and 10,895 days old for the Austrian Grand Prix:

In latin, Thirty three, Ritual human sacrifice, and Judas = 895, while Jesus = 985

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