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Nobel Prize Winner Alice Munro Dies @ 92

Alice Munro, Nobel Prize winner and ‘master of the short story,’ dies at 92

Alice received the Nobel Prize 92 days after her birthday:

The award was named after Alfred Bernhard Nobel.

"Alfred Bernhard Nobel" = 92 (Reduction)

The woman born as Alice Laidlaw was 92 years of age:

Alice Laidlaw = 92 and 232

She passed away on the date leaving 232 days in the year:

In 1951, she got married, changing her name to Munro.

Munro = 107 Caps Added and Reverse Caps Mixed

This name matches her 10th of July, or 10/7 birthday:

She won the Nobel Prize in Literature exactly 1402 months after Alfred was born:

"Nobel Prize in Literature" = 1420 (Latin) and "Master of the short story" = 1042 (Satanic)

Anton Chekhov

In several media sources, including Wikipedia, Alice Munro’s career as a writer has been compared to that of Anton Chekhov, a Russian playwright. Both authors were famous for writing a good Short story.

Short story = 1608 Standard and 1062 Sumerian

Anton Chekhov died 168 days after his birthday, while Alice Munro was born 162 days after it:

Munro got a Nobel Prize a span of exactly 5700 weeks after Chekhov died:

Short story = 57 and 1048

Alice Munro was born exactly 1408 weeks (or 323 months) after Anton Chekhov:

In Reverse, Anton Pavlovich Chekhov = 323 and Nobel Prize = 148

Anton Chekhov died at 44 years of age:

Alice died exactly 44 weeks after her birthday:

She was also 4844 weeks, 4 days old. Kill = 44.

Number of the Beast

Munro was awarded her prize exactly 6096 weeks after Alfred Nobel died:

Nobel would have turned 69600 days old the day before she died:

"Alice Munro" = 666 (Sumerian)

666 is revealed as the Number of the Beast in the book of Revelation.

"Revelation" = 1010 (Latin)

Munro was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2013 on October 10th, or 10/10.

"Nobel Prize in Literature" = 121 (Reduction)

Revelation is an Apocalyptic tale of the Second coming of Christ.

Revelation, Apocalyptic, and Second coming all = 121

Her birth name sums to 121, and also has matching Extended gematria with Number of the Beast.

Alice Ann Laidlaw = 121, 1074, 1704, and 724

Number of the Beast = 174, 1074, and 724

Alice died a span of 10 years, 7 months, 4 days after winning the Nobel Prize:

"Nobel Prize" = 174 (Capitals Added)

Her date of birth, July 10th, leaves 174 days on the calendar:

The number 33 is shorthand for 666.

The 156th Prime number is 911

Munro passed away at 33,911 days of age:

Munro died 119 years, 303 days after Chekhov:

"Anton Chekhov" = 911 (Fibonacci)

Master of the short story = 116. Alfred Nobel would have been 116 years old when she won her award.

Ritual human sacrifice = 911 Satanic and 211 Ordinal

Nobel Prize in Literature = 2110, Alice Ann Munro and Alice Munro both = 211 Reverse

Thirty-three = 66, the first multiple of 33. The number 66 is also shorthand for 666:

Here is wisdom, Number of the Beast, Number of a man, and And his number is all = 66

Alice Munro died a span of 6006 days after Anton Chekhov was born:

"Beast" = 308 (Standard)

Alice Munro died 308 days after her birthday:

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