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“Coronavirus” Riddle for Zhou Guanyu @ Emilia-Romagna Grand Prix

Last month, I made this post following the completion of the 1106th Formula One Grand Prix in history, which took place in China. Two years ago, the first Chinese driver entered the F1 grid for the first time when Zhou Guanyu got behind the wheel of an Alfra Romeo (now Kick Sauber).

"Zhou Guanyu" = 1191 (Reverse Standard)

September 11th was written as 11/9/01 in China

The “next 9/11” happened in 2020 when out-of-control governments attempted to shut the world down following the emergence of COVID-19. The disease allegedly originated in China.

Zhou was 9 months, 11 days after his birthday when the WHO declared a pandemic:

Zhou Guanyu was exactly 1190 weeks old for his first F1 Grand Prix:

Zhou Guanyu made his Formula One debut in the first race of 2022 at the Bahrain Grand Prix. This year will be the first Grand Prix at Imola since 2022.

Wuhan Coronavirus = 222 and 2022

Next weekend’s race takes place at Imola Circuit, which is notorious for hosting the darkest weekend in Formula One history. In 1994, several spectators were severely injured when debris from a crash was propelled into the crowd. In separate incidents, two drivers were killed, including three-time World Champion Ayrton Senna. It just so happens that a new miniseries called Senna will be released on Netflix later this year.

Senna was killed on a date with Primary numerology of 119:(5) + (1) + (19) + (94) = 119

The last driver to die as the result of an F1 race was Jules Bianchi, whose injuries occurred at the 912th Grand Prix, just one off of 911.

Emilia-Romagna Grand Prix

Shortly after the pandemic first broke out, I made this video explaining how it was all a riddle connected to the number 666.

"Zhou Guanyu" = 666 (Reverse Sumerian)

"Grand Prix" = 666 (Sumerian)

Ayrton Senna da Silva will be portrayed by Gabriel Leone in the upcoming miniseries.

"Ayrton Senna da Silva" = 666 (Base Sum)

Gabriel Leone = 60 and 66 Reduction

"Emilia Romagna Grand Prix" = 999 (Satanic)

"Emilia Romagna" = 283 (Latin) and "Six hundred and sixty six" = 2083 (Latin)

Next weekend’s Emilia-Romagna Grand Prix is officially called the Formula 1 MSC Cruises Gran Premio del Made in Italy e dell’Emilia-Romagna 2024. Why have a 15-word name for a motor race?!

Formula 1 MSC Cruises Gran Premio del Made in Italy e dellEmilia Romagna 20 24 = 666 Ordinal and 1303 Reverse Caps

Zhou Guanyu will be exactly 1303 weeks old at Imola:

"Coronavirus" = 1303 (Latin)

1303 is the 213th Prime number

"Coronavirus pandemic" = 213 (Latin Ordinal)

Ayrton Senna was born on the 21st of March, or 21/3:

The Coronavirus pandemic was caused by Orthocoronavirinae and supposedly ended after Operation Warp Speed was pushed through by president Donald John Trump.

Coronavirus pandemic, Orthocoronavirinae, Operation Warp Speed, and Donald John Trump all = 220

"Wuhan Coronavirus" = 220 (Latin Ordinal) and "Wuhan" = 220 (Primes)

"Zhou Guanyu" = 220 (Reverse Caps Mixed)

The World Health Organization declared a Coronavirus pandemic in 2020 on the 11th of March, or 11/3.May 19th falls a span of exactly 2 years, 2 months (or 113 weeks) after his F1 debut:

"Coronavirus pandemic" = 113 (Reverse Reduction)

113 is the primary number of deception. Needless to say, there were, and still are, mountains of deception regarding CV-19.

Ayrton Senna died 310 months, 10 days old on that date:

Ayrton Senna

This will be the 1108th Grand Prix

"Emilia Romagna" = 118 (Ordinal)

Death and Homicide both = 118 Latin

Ayrton died 324 days before his birthday:

Formula 1 MSC Cruises Gran Premio del Made in Italy e dellEmilia Romagna 20 24 = 324 Reduction

Next week’s race falls 30 years, 2 weeks, 4 days after Senna was killed:

"Coronavirus pandemic" = 94 (Reduction)

The 94th Prime number is 491

Senna was 409 months, 10 days old for his fatal wreck:

Zhou was born on 5/30, a span of 5 years, 30 days after Senna died:

So what does this all mean?

Well, it certainly doesn’t mean Zhou will be winning the race, as that’s not really possible. In the last race, I picked up on a major riddle for Charles Leclerc – but instead of winning, we just got this unusual spin that resulted in a Red Flag.

Could all of these numbers be pointing to a significant crash for Zhou? I certainly hope not, but if that is the case, I think it’s important for patterns like these to be noted ahead of time when they pop up.

Maybe I’m getting a bit carried away here, but there’s one more interesting alignment. The worst crash Zhou Guanyu had had in F1 occurred at the 2022 British Grand Prix, where his car slid upside-down before terrifically barrel-rolling into the catch fence.

The race at Imola falls exactly 98 weeks (or a span of 1 year, 322 days) after the ‘22 British GP:

The races at Imola was called the San Marino Grand Prix in 1994.

San Marino Grand Prix = 98 and 1322

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