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The Mystical Connections of Paul Russo to the Gematrinator

This is my second of three posts on racing driver Paul Russo from Kenosha and the numerology connecting him to Skull and Bones and the Gematrinator.

My first post touched on mostly the connections of Paul Russo to Skull and Bones founder William Huntington Russell, but his death at age 61 also has some wild connections to me as well.

"Derek Tikkuri" = 61 (Reduction)

"Skull and crossbones" = 61 (Reduction)

"Paul Russo" = 142 (Ordinal)

William Huntington Russell was born in Middletown, CT during Brown Lunation # -1402:

"Middletown CT" = 142 (Ordinal)

Skull and Bones was formed 142 days after William Russell’s birthday:

However, the numerical connections for Paul Russo to me and the company his cousin’s great-grandson helped incorporate are every bit as staggering. This is the number I share with my uncle and Gematria.

Derek Tikkuri and Mark Tikkuri both = 142 Ordinal

"Gematria" = 142 (Reverse)

The 142nd Prime number is 821

The Skull and Bones society does not have an official founding date – all we know is that it happened in 1832, which contains the digits 821:

Paul Russo was born a span of 82 years, 100 days (or 30050 days) after the same date:

The 35th Prime number is 149

"Skull and Bones" = 149 (Ordinal) and "William Huntington Russell" = 1049 (Primes)

Both of our full names have 1218 gematria.

Paul Frank Russo and Derek Michael J Tikkuri both = 1218

One ninety-two (192)

Another important number to Skull and Bones, or Order 322, is 192.

"One hundred and ninety two" = 322 (Reverse)

William Huntington Russell was born in Middletown, CT and died in New Haven, Connecticut.

"Middletown CT" = 1092 (Reverse Sumerian) and "New Haven Connecticut" = 1902 (Standard)

I got my first name Derek as a suggestion from my dad’s friend Frank. My godfather’s last name is Frank. My grandma’s partner was also named Frank. This was Paul Russo’s middle name.

"Paul Frank Russo" = 192 (Ordinal)

Yale Skull and Bones, Secret society, and Skull & Bones all = 192

The Yale Skull and Bones Secret society was 192 years old for the Second Eclipse over Indianapolis:

Second and Eclipse both = 192 Latin

Indianapolis is home to the Colts.

"Indianapolis Colts" = 192 (Ordinal)

We incorporated exactly 190 years, 2 months after 1832 began:

"Derek Tikkuri" = 1092 (Reverse Sumerian)

The 192nd Prime number is 1163

I built the first version of the Gematrinator during Brown Lunation # 1163:

The very first version of the calculator was built on January 17th, 2017, and went online shortly after midnight the following morning.

New Haven and Russo both sum to 92.

New Haven and Russo both = 92 Ordinal

Derek and Numbers both = 92

In Reverse, New Haven sums to 124.

"New Haven" = 124 (Reverse)

Yale was a span of 100204 days old on Feb. 13th, 1976:

My uncle Gus and his partner lived in Wauwatosa and got in a crash in Clearwater, Florida.

Gus Tikkuri and Wauwatosa both = 124

Clearwater FL and Florida both = 124

The car crash was a span of 1 year, 2 weeks, 4 days before Yale turned 322:

The car collided with a Dump truck.

Dump truck = 127 and 1027

The Connecticut Representative died on a date with Primary numerology of 127:(5) + (19) + (18) + (85) = 127

"Connecticut" = 127 (Ordinal)

Yale was a span of 100207 days old on the 16th:

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