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17-Year-Old Arrested After Person Shot at Bowie High School in Texas

Texas high school shooting leaves 18-year-old student dead, shot multiple times; suspect in custody A 17-year-old suspect is in custody in connection with the shooting at Bowie High School

A School shooting in Arlington, Texas is in the headlines today.

School shooting and Arlington Texas both = 179, 199, and 71

James & David Bowie

The school was named after James Bowie. This story also has strong numerical ties to famous musician David Bowie, who died just two days after the release of his final album Blackstar:

During a Solar Eclipse, our star turns black. This post will examine how the release of this record as synced to the 2024 Total Solar Eclipse over the United States, which passed over Bowie High School in Arlington, Texas:

James Bowie was killed at the Battle of the Alamo on March 6th, or 3/6 of the year ’36:

David Bowie was 3600 weeks old for the release of Blackstar and his death two weeks later:

"Blackstar" = 306 (Fibonacci)

In May of last year, I discussed David Bowie when Olympian Tori Bowie died.

Blackstar came out exactly 102 Lunar phases before the second Great American Eclipse:

"James Bowie" = 102 (Ordinal)

"Alamo" = 102 (Latin)

Blackstar and Thirty-three (33)

Blackstar has matching 156 gematria with Battle of the Alamo.

Blackstar and Battle of the Alamo both = 156 and 87

"David Bowie" = 1056 (Reverse Sumerian)

Solar and Lunar eclipses always occur 1, 5, or 6 lunar phases apart. The word Eclipse sums to 156 in Hebrew:

"Thirty three" = 156 (Ordinal)

"Blackstar" = 33 (Single Reduction)

The shooting fell a span of 3030 days after the release of Blackstar:

"Eclipse" = 33 (Reduction)

Furthermore, Thirty-three has matching 311 gematria with Blackstar3×11 = 33.

Thirty three and Blackstar both = 311 Caps Mixed

Bowie died 3011 days before our star turned black:

"Kennedy" = 33 (Reduction)

John F. Kennedy

Apr. 24th was a span of 17 days after the Eclipse:

17-year-old is in custody for the murder in front of Bowie High School.

Bowie = 107 in Caps Mixed and Caps Added

Bowie would have been 107 days after his birthday for the Shooting:

"Shooting" = 107 (Ordinal)

John Fitzgerald Kennedy = 107 and 334

James Bowie and James Bowie High School both = 334

The shooting at James Bowie HS was exactly 4033 weeks after David Bowie was born:

"Solar eclipse" = 433 (Latin)

The release of Blackstar fell 430 weeks, 3 days before the second Solar Eclipse:

433 is the 84th Prime number
This month’s Eclipse was on 8/4

Solar eclipse = 804 Sumerian

The Killing at Bowie High School was on the 115th day of a leap year:Bowie died 110 Lunar orbits, 5 days before the 2024 Eclipse:

Killing = 115 Reverse and 115 Latin

Blackstar was released on the final day of Brown Lunation # 1150:

"James David Bowie" = 1150 (Standard)

JFK was killed by an Assassin in a Warehouse on a date with Primary numerology of 115:(11) + (22) + (19) + (63) = 115

Assassin and Warehouse both = 115

The Moon

Bowie has matching 54 gematria with Kennedy and JFK, like The Moon in Sumerian.

"Bowie" = 54 (Ordinal)

Kennedy = 504 Latin and JFK = 54 Reverse

"The Moon" = 540 (Sumerian)

Moon has matching 83 gematria with Total eclipse and Solar eclipse.

Moon = 83 Caps Added, Total eclipse and Solar eclipse both = 83 Hebrew

The album was released exactly 8 years, 3 months before the Total Solar Eclipse over the U.S.:

"Alamo" = 83 (Capitals Mixed)

"The Moon" = 99 (Reverse)

The April 8th Eclipse fell on the 99th day of a Leap year:

"The United States of America" = 99 (Reduction)

Blackstar came out exactly 99 months (or a span of 99 months, 1 day) before the Eclipse over The USA:

"David Bowie Blackstar" = 1991 (Latin)

"John Fitzgerald Kennedy" = 233 (Ordinal) and "David Bowie" = 233 (Fibonacci)

233 is the 51st Prime number

"Moon" = 51 (Reverse)

Pi (3.14…)

Eclipse has matching 314 Satanic gematria with Circles.

Eclipse and Circles both = 314 Satanic

Apr. 24th was 3 months, 14 days after the anniversary of Bowie’s death:

Blackstar was released a span of 3014 days before the 2024 Eclipse:

Pi and Circles both sum to 69.

Pi = 69 Latin and Circles = 69 Ordinal

"Texas" = 69 (Ordinal)

David Bowie died of Cancer two days after his 69th birthday. A sideways 69 is the astrological symbol for Cancer, which is the only sign ruled by the Moon:

Eclipse, Eclipse of the Sun, and Eclipse the Sun all = 69

Bowie was exactly 69 years (or 69 years, 1 day) old for the album’s release:

"Eclipse of the Sun" = 691 (Latin)

691 is the 125th Prime number

"David Bowie Blackstar" = 125 (Reverse Reduction)

"James Bowie High School" = 1025 (Standard)

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