The Incredible “666” Alignments for Owen Hart’s Plummet
This is my second of two posts today on the death of Owen Hart.
- The 1999 Death of Pro Wrestler Owen Hart at the Kemper Arena
- The Incredible “666” Alignments for Owen Hart’s Plummet
Six six six (666)
Owen James Hart died in 1999

Walt was born in 1901
The Moon is an average of 238,900 miles from Earth, to go along with the Latin value of Six hundred sixty-six:
Owen Hart was born on the date leaving 238 days in the year:
Rufus died on October 24th, under the sign of Scorpio, which is ruled by the planet Mars:
The 99th Prime number is 523
Owen died on 5/23/99
Owen was born just one week after the end of Brown Lunation # 523.
May 23rd is also written as 23/5
“Jesus Christ”
666 is an important number to the Eclipse Crucifixion Code:
The tragedy occurred on a date with Primary numerology of 146:
Christ’s father is God. Owen’s opponent on the night he fell was supposed to be the Godfather, which was the stage name of Charles Wright.
Wright was born in the year ’61.
Many Christians believe Jesus was truly born on September 11th, or 9/11.
911 is the 156th Prime number
Owen Hart died on the date leaving 222 days in the year:
Missouri gained statehood on the 222nd day of the year:
Disney was founded on 16/10
September 11th falls under the astrological sign of Virgo, which is ruled by Mercury. The Magic Square of Mercury has a total sum of 2080:
Owen Hart, who died while wearing the Blue Blazer costume, has matching gematria with Mercury in both Reduction methods.
The 41st Prime number is 179
The 173rd Prime number is 40
Disney died on a date with Reduced numerology of 31:
Mercury also has matching 205 and 317 gematria with Rufus Kemper and the Kemper Arena.