More Notes on O.J. Simpson (Including My Own Post)
This is my fourth of four posts on the death of O.J. Simpson.
- Former NFL and Accused Murder O.J. Simpson Dies @ 76
- The “Skull and Bones” Code for The Juice
- The Eclipse and 9/11 Riddles for O.J.
- More Notes on O.J. Simpson (Including My Own Post)
Nicole Brown & Ronald Goldman Murders
Most Christians seem to believe that the Crucifixion of Lord and Savior Jesus Christ happened at age 33 in the year 33 A.D., on the date of a Lunar Eclipse.
Simpson and Brown got married in 1985
Wikipedia recently updated Ron Goldman’s Wikipedia page to feature a photo from 1985:
The phrase Ritual human sacrifice sums to 895 and 131.
Simpson sums to 131 with Capital letters, like Super Bowl in Ordinal.
The Brown/Goldman murders fell on a date with Primary numerology of 131 and 112:
The Brown / Goldman killings were on 6/12
Organic Matrix
John Madden was born on a date with Primary numerology of 69:
Simpson died of Cancer exactly Eighty-eight years after Madden was born. The astrological symbol for Cancer is a sideways 69:
Just over two months ago, I made this post on the double murder of Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman.
I published my first educationally-inspired YouTube video (which YT has since deleted) at 2:27 a.m. on 2/27 back in 2017. The video’s format was finalized in a Skype call that ended at 7:22 a.m. on the other side, and it happened to last exactly 2:27:00.

The 227th Prime number is 1433
The next Super Bowl will be played in New Orleans, Louisiana.
When I watched the 2017 Total Eclipse, I just so happened to stand in a spot that saw exactly 2:27 of Totality:
I was born on a date with Primary numerology of 33, the “Master Teacher” number. This is the Reduction value of Simpson:
I was born 330 days after O.J.’s birthday, and watched the Police chase him live on television when I was 3300 days old:
The news broke on the 11th of April (11/4)
My birthday also has Primary numerology of 114:
My full name sums to 878.
He would go on to die from Prostate cancer.