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Former NFL RB and Accused Murderer O.J. Simpson Dies @ 76

O.J. Simpson dies of cancer at age 76, his family says

This is my first of four posts on O.J. Simpson from today.

Also see the pair of posts I made on the infamous 1994 O.J. murders back in February. Naturally, a lot of the same numbers will be resurfacing throughout this decode.

Super Bowl 58

O.J. Simpson died in Las Vegas:

Two months ago, Vegas hosted its first-ever Super Bowl:

Vegas hosted Super Bowl 58

Notice how CNN’s short headline gives us an Ordinal value of 508.

OJ Simpson dies of cancer at age 76 his family says = 508 Ordinal

Like Skull and Bones, Freemasonry is another Secret society.

Secret society and Freemasonry both = 58

O.J. Simpson reportedly died on a date with Primary numerology of 58:(4) + (10) + (20) + (24) = 58

O.J. (two letters) died Two days after the Eclipse:

"Two" = 58 (Ordinal)

This is all is synced to the Masonic destruction of the Two Twin Towers, which occurred while Skull & Bones member George W. Bush was the leader of the United States. That was America’s version of the attacks on the Two Temples – Solomon’s Temple and the Second Temple (or Herod’s Temple) in Jerusalem.

"George W Bush" = 58 (Reduction)

"United States" = 58 (Single Reduction)

Solomons Temple, Second Temple, Herods Temple, Third Temple, Jerusalem, and Twin Towers all = 58

The 58th Prime number is 271

The World Trade Center began operations on April 4th, the date leaving 271 days in the year:

Simpson departed a span of exactly 271 months after the September 11th attacks:

Simpson was from San Francisco, which is named after Francis of Assisi, who is also the namesake of Pope Francis.

"Pope Francis" = 58 (Reverse Reduction)

The number 58 has Ordinal gematria of 115, a number that connects the Skull and Bones society to the Raiders.

Fifty eight, Raiders, Skull and Crossbones, Skull and Bones society, Las Vegas Nevada, Nevada, and New Orleans Louisiana all have 115 gematria

O.J. died 115 days after Pope Francis’s birthday:

Killing = 115 Reverse and 115 Latin

The 115th Prime number is 631

Simpson passed away exactly 631 Lunations after the World Trade Center opened:

Assisi sums to 456 Sumerian.

"Assisi" = 456 (Sumerian)

Francis is the first Pope to have previously been a member of the Jesuit Order. The Order’s first missionary trips were comprised of 456 Jesuits.

Pope Francis was a span of exactly 4556 weeks old for O.J.’s exit:

John Madden / World Trade Center

The Golden Gate Bridge was opened on a date with Primary numerology of 88:(5) + (27) + (19) + (37) = 88

O.J.died a span of 8 months, 8 days before the Pope’s 88th birthday:

Pope Francis was born a span of 8 months, 8 days after John Madden:

The name of John Madden is virtually synonymous with the NFL. The first John Madden video game was released in the year ’88.

O.J. Simpson died on John Madden’s 88th birthday:

John Madden = 88, John Earl Madden = 888, Las Vegas Raiders = 88

O.J. Simpson was born a span of exactly 11 years, 3 months after John Madden:

OJ Simpson and Ron Goldman both = 113

November 3rd, or 11/3, was the date the new World Trade Center opened back in 2014:

O.J. Simpson died 113 months after One WTC first opened to the public:

April 10th falls 159 days after the anniversary of the new World Trade Center:

"The World Trade Center" = 1590 (Latin) and "September eleventh" = 1590 (Reverse Sumerian)

Madden died exactly 1059 weeks after the WTC was destroyed on September 11th:

"Scottish Rite" = 159 (Reverse)

"Jesus Christ" = 159 (Latin Ordinal)

During his playing career, John Madden wore # 77:

He led the Raiders to a Super Bowl victory in the year ’77.

World Trade Center, September eleventh, and Christ all = 77

The murders happened 7740 days after the World Trade Center opened:

George Bush was 77 years, 40 weeks old when O.J. Simpson kicked the bucket:

OJ Simpson and Christ both = 40

Both San Francisco, California and San Francisco, CA sum to 417.

San Francisco California and San Francisco CA both = 417

O.J. Simpson was born 4107 days after John Madden:

"OJ Simpson" = 417 (Primes)

The two World Trade Center buildings opened exactly 41 years, 7 months apart:

O.J. was acquitted of murder 10,417 days before his passing:

My next posts unfold a deep riddle connecting this story to George Floyd. The stories of O.J. Simpson and George Floyd are two of the most racially-charged in modern mainstream history.

O.J. died a span of 1,417 days after George Floyd:

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