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The “Sea of Hands” Play and Raiders Coach John Madden

Mike Kolen, member of undefeated Dolphins Super Bowl team, dead at 76 Kolen was nicknamed 'Captain Crunch' for his defensive prowess

This is my second of three posts on the death of former Dolphins Linebacker Mike Kolen.

John Madden

As discussed in my first post, the death of Mike Kolen is a riddle synced to the play that his career was best-known for – The Sea of Hands, which knocked the Miami Dolphins out of the 1974 NFL playoffs:

The game was won by the Raiders, who were coached by John Madden. Madden shared a first name with Mike Kolen, whose full name was actually John Michael Kolen. Jesus was baptized by a man named John, and his return is foretold by John the Revelator.

"Mike Kolen" = 888 (Reverse Sumerian)

Mike Kolen died a span of 8 days before John Earl Madden‘s 88th birthday:

"John Earl Madden" = 888 (Latin)

John Madden and Las Vegas Raiders both = 88

Their shared first name sums to 47. Killing47 (KV Exception)

"John" = 47 (Ordinal)

John Kolen died a span of exactly 47 months after Don Shula:

Raiders and John Madden both = 47

The Raiders and John Madden were the team on the wrong end of the Immaculate Reception, which was caught by Franco Harris. See my post on his death from December of 2022.

Mike Kolen died 470 days after Franco Harris:

"Sea of Hands" = 182 (Capitals Mixed)

Including the end date, Mike died 18002 days after the Sea of Hands:

John Madden = 182 and John Earl Madden = 124

The Raiders played host to the most recent Super Bowl, which was won by the Chiefs on February 11th.

Kolen departed 1 month, 24 days after Super Bowl LVIII:

“Jesus the Messiah” / 943

Mike Kolen died in 2024

Jesus the Messiah = 181 and 224

Mike Kolen perished 18001 days after the Sea of Hands play:

The Hall of Fame coach’s full name Donald Francis Shula sums to 181. This is the 42nd Prime number, reminding us of the 42 generations of Jesus that begin the New Testament42. New42.

"Donald Francis Shula" = 181 (Ordinal)

Kolen’s death occurred 118 weeks, 1 day after John Madden:

The name Mike Kolen is a name Bart Simpson would probably use…it sounds a lot like My Colon. This could be a reference to the upcoming Eclipse, where America will see the Black Hole Sun.

"My Colon" = 943 (Standard)

Since 2020, the Raiders have been known as the Las Vegas Raiders.

Don Shula was exactly 943 weeks old when Mike Kolen was born and would have been exactly 94 years, 3 months old when Kolen died:

943 weeks is also 6601 days.

Jesus the Messiah = 991 Standard and Nine hundred forty three = 991 Satanic

943 has Reverse gematria of 311.

"Nine hundred forty three" = 311 (Reverse)

Shula died 311 days after Clarence Davis’s birthday:

The two men died a span of exactly 3 years, 11 months apart:

Kolen’s birthday was 31/1

Ken Stabler to Clarence Davis

The famous Sea of Hands pass that ended the Dolphins’ season was thrown by Ken Stabler, photographed here with coach John Madden:

Mike Kolen died 8 years, 27 days after Ken Stabler and 827 days after John Madden:

827 is the 144th Prime number

"Sea of Hands" = 144 (Capitals Added)

Kenneth Stabler was born on December 25th, or Christmas – the date we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.

Kenneth and Stabler both = 77 and 32

Christ = 77 and 32

The Sea of Hands finish fell just four days before Stabler’s 29th birthday.

Jesus = 29, Christ = 290, and Jesus Christ = 290

The winning touchdown was scored by Clarence Eugene Davis, whose name has matching 173 Ordinal gematria with Walking on water.

Clarence Eugene Davis = 173 Ordinal and 1073 Standard

"Walking on water" = 173 (Ordinal)

Jesus screams ELI (173) during the Crucifixion:

"Ten thirty one" = 173 (Ordinal)

The 173rd Prime number is 1031

"Crucifixion" = 131 (Ordinal)

Captain Crunch was born on 1/31:

"Captain Crunch" = 131 (Ordinal)

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