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Super Bowl XXXII and XXXIII Champion Harald Hasselbach Dies @ 56

Former Broncos defensive lineman Harald Hasselbach dies at 56 Hasselbach battled cancer for six months

Harald Hasselbach, who was born in Amsterdam, reportedly died after a short battle with Cancer – specifically, Metastatic mucinous adenocarcinoma:Hasselbach had been diagnosed with metastatic mucinous adenocarcinoma, according to the family.

Harald Hasselbach = 342 Latin, Metastatic mucinous adenocarcinoma = 342 Ordinal

Amsterdam = 341

The astrological symbol for Cancer is a sideways 69:

"Thanksgiving" = 69 (Single Reduction)

Harald Hasselbach, who died on Thanksgiving, wore # 96 for the Broncos:

At the time of his death, he was a football coach at Regis Jesuit High School.

"The Jesuit Order" = 69 (Reduction)

Eclipse, Eclipse of the Sun, and Eclipse the Sun all = 69

Eclipse Code

Hasselbach died at age 56

The second Great American Total Eclipse falls on a date with Primary numerology of 56:

"Total eclipse" = 56 (Single Reduction)

"Hasselbach" = 556 (Trigonal)

This weekend, the Denver Broncos play the Cleveland Browns. The Browns are looking for their 556th win of all-time, while the Broncos are looking for their 506th.

The number Fifty-six has matching 118 gematria with Harald Hasselbach.

"Fifty six" = 118 (Ordinal)

Harald = 118 Reverse, Harald Hasselbach = 1108 Reverse Primes

The Denver Broncos have played a total of 1018 games in franchise history:

"Metastatic mucinous adenocarcinoma" = 10108 (Reverse Squares)

Death and Homicide both = 118 Latin

In December of 2021, famous Broncos wide receiver Demaryius Thomas died at the young age of 33.

He died a span of 102 weeks, 1 day after Demaryius Thomas:

"Thanksgiving" = 1021 (Latin)

Harald played a total of 121 games during his career (regular season).

"Blood sacrifice" = 121 (Ordinal)

Thirty-three (33)

The Broncos’ next opponent, Cleveland, is the largest city that sits directly in the path of that 2024 Eclipse:

Cleveland and Eclipse both = 33 Reduction

"Hasselbach" = 33 (Reduction)

Hasselbach was a winner of Super Bowl 33, which was played in 1999.

1999 is the 303rd Prime number

Denver, Colorado is home to the 303 Area code:

Denver and Colorado both = 33 Latin Reduction

The 33rd Prime number is 137

Hasselbach died 137 days before the second Great American Eclipse:

Total eclipse = 137, Eclipse = 137

Thirty-three is also a number of Ritual human sacrifice.

Thirty three and Ritual human sacrifice both = 895 Latin

"Ritual human sacrifice" = 131 (Reverse Reduction)

Hasselbach played 131 total games for Denver

Super Bowl XXXIII was played on 1/31, the 31st day of the year, which had Standard numerology of 131:(1) + (31) + (99) = 131

Harald was 31 years, 131 days old when he started in Super Bowl XXXIII:

131 is the 32nd Prime number

Amsterdam = 31, Denver = 32 and 31, Broncos = 32

Most recently, he was a coach at Regis Jesuit.

Regis = 31 and 32

Six six six (666)

The number 33 is shorthand for 666
666 is a major Eclipse number

Eclipse (Deficiency) = 156 Hebrew, Eclipse the Sun = 156 English Ordinal

Eclipses always occur 1, 5, or 6 Lunar phases apart

The name Harald Hasselbach sums to 6660 in Reverse Squares. He died on Thanksgiving.

"Harald Hasselbach" = 6660 (Reverse Squares)

Thanksgiving = 66 and 60 Reduction

666 is revealed as the number of the Beast in the 229th verse of Revelation. Harald Hasselback was born on the 22nd of September, or 22/9:

Next year’s Eclipse falls 229 days before the anniversary of his death:

666 + 666 + 666 = 1998
Super Bowl 33 ended the 1998 season

"Metastatic mucinous adenocarcinoma" = 1998 (Standard)

6 + 6 + 6 = 18

Harald would have been a span of 6 months, 18 days after his birthday for the 2024 Eclipse:

Harald Hasselbach has matching 618 and 392 gematria with the Denver Broncos.

Harald Hasselbach = 392 and 618, Denver Broncos = 392 and 618

Hasselbach has matching gematria with Denver, Colorado and Eclipse.

Hasselbach = 192 Reverse, Denver Colorado = 1092 Latin, Eclipse = 192 Latin

The Moon

6 × 6 × 6 = 216

Hasselbach was born exactly 423 weeks after the Broncos were founded:

In Hebrew, Eclipse has matching 57 gematria with Moon in English, complimenting our satellite’s 57° range of declination:

Hasselbach died on a date with Standard numerology of 57:(11) + (23) + (23) = 57

"Hasselbach" = 57 (Reverse Reduction)

He also died 57 days after the Jesuits’ anniversary:

The Sun in the Jesuit emblem has 32 rays of Sun emanating from its sides. Harald Hasselbach also won Super Bowl 32 with the Broncos.

"Thirty two" = 1967 (Standard)

Harald was born in 1967

More Matches

Harald was Dutch.

Dutch and Broncos both = 315 Latin

Denver also has matching gematria with Harald Hasselbach and his place of birth, Amsterdam.

Denver = 94, 94, and 31, Harald Hasselbach = 94, Amsterdam = 94 and 31

"Ritual human sacrifice" = 94 (Reduction)

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