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Death of Joe the Plumber Synced to Yale University

See my first post on the death of Joe the Plumber, which was a riddle connected to Saturn and the Total eclipse code.

Skull and Bones

Society of Jesus = 191 Ordinal, Total solar eclipse = 191 Latin Ordinal

191 is the 43rd Prime number

Yale, Killing, and McCain all = 43

Joe Wurzelbacher died 43 days before Yale’s anniversary:

43 is 21 + 22

Joe the Plumber and Skull and Bones both = 201 and 202

Adding his nickname to his common name yields the special 322 in Ordinal. He was made famous in the year 2008.

"Joe the Plumber Joe Wurzelbacher" = 322 (Ordinal)

"Two thousand eight" = 223 (Reverse)

He died a span of 32 weeks, 2 days before the 2024 Total eclipse:

Wurzelbacher = 61 and 65, Skull and Crossbones = 61, Yale = 65

John McCain would have been 87 years, 223 days old for the second Great American Eclipse:

Today’s news broke a span of exactly 87 years after John McCain was born:

"Hofstra University" = 87 (Reduction)

The debate that made the Plumber famous was held at Hofstra University.

Plumber and Hofstra both = 87, 102, 33, and 39

These are many of the same digits found in Eclipse.

Eclipse = 120, 33, and 39

Last Total Eclipse (12/4/2021)

Joe the Plumber was born exactly 12 years, 4 months after Barack Obama:

The last Total solar eclipse was on December 4th, or 12/4, and it began Brown Lunation # 1224.

Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher and Campbellsport Wisconsin both = 124 Single Reduction

Wurzelbacher died 631 days after the most recent Total Solar Eclipse:

Barack Obama was exactly 631 Sidereal months old for that debate:

631 is the 115th Prime number
The debate was on 10/15

Killing = 115 Reverse and 115 Latin

"Total eclipse" = 115 (EP Exception)

Their birthdays are also exactly 148 months apart.

"One hundred forty eight" = 115 (Reduction)

Thirteen (13)

America originally began with Thirteen colonies.

"Thirteen" = 99 (Ordinal)

The 13/99 combination is always intriguing. The number 1399 is the 222nd Prime number.

Eclipse and Debate both = 222

His death fell a span of 130 days after the Hybrid Eclipse and 2197 days after the first Great American Eclipse:

13×13×13 = 2197

John Sidney McCain III, and Obama = 103, Leo = 13

The 13th Fibonacci number is 233
The ultimate Eclipse number is 1331

"Joe Wurzelbacher" = 233 (Reverse)

Thirteen thirty one = 233 and 226

Joe died a span of 226 days before the 2024 Total Eclipse:

"Sacrifice" = 226 (Standard)

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