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Former WWWF Champion “Superstar” Billy Graham Dies @ 79

WWE Hall of Famer "Superstar" Billy Graham passes away

I always thought it was interesting that WWE Champion and Hall of Famer “Superstar” Billy Graham shared a first and last name with the famous presidential pastor, the Reverend Billy Graham.

The Pastor was born on the date leaving 54 days in the year. The birthdays of both men named Billy Graham also had Multiplicative numerology of 504:

"Billy Graham" = 54 (Reduction)

Superstar” Billy Graham died on the 137th day of the year, which leaves 228 days on the calendar:

Superstar = 137 and 228

The elder Graham passed away 106 days after his birthday, and 106 days before the younger Graham’s birthday:

"Superstar" = 106 (Reverse)

“Superstar” Billy Graham died exactly 273 weeks after Pastor Billy Graham:

"Superstar" = 273 (Capitals Mixed)

The former WWE Champion died a span of 175 days before the Reverend’s birthday in Phoenix, Arizona = 175, which is known as The Valley of the Sun.

He died 2095 days after the first Great American Eclipse:

"Superstar Billy Graham" = 295 (Reverse)

“Superstar” Billy Graham was born exactly 295 months after the Pastor, or 212 days after his birthday:

The Pastor’s full name was William Franklin Graham.

"William Franklin Graham" = 212 (Ordinal)

The wrestler’s real name was Elridge Coleman, which has matching gematria with William Graham in multiple base ciphers.

Eldridge Coleman and William Graham both = 127 Ordinal

His full name, Elridge Wayne Coleman, has Sumerian gematria of 1170.

"Eldridge Wayne Coleman" = 1170 (Sumerian)

The Reverend was born on November 7th, or 11/7, a date with Primary numerology of 79:(11) + (7) + (19) + (42) = 79

Superstar” Billy Graham died at age 79
His birthday was the 7th of June, or 7/6

"Superstar" = 706 (Latin)

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