Guitarist Mark Sheehan of The Script Dies @ 46
199 is the 46th Prime number
Mark Sheehan’s next birthday has a Life Lesson number of 46:
Sheehan was a Scorpio, ruled by the planet Mars. He was 24 Martian years old (orbital period ~687 days).
The 24th Prime number is 89
He died on the 14th of April, or 14/4.
144 is the 12th Fibonacci number
144 is the 12th Square number
569 is the 104th Prime number
April 14th, or 4/14, is the 104th day of the year:
Sheehan founded The Script alongside frontman Danny O’Donoghue.
O’Donoghue is 193 days after his birthday, which is the 44th Prime number. “Forty-four” = 144 like today’s 14/4 date.
It’s said that Mark Sheehan died following a Brief illness: